Mohawks Rock

I'm sick of the bad reputation that anarchist continue to receive. I have posted another dicussion about anarchy on this site before. Gladly it was well received. The problem i have no is not with your average joe. It is with the aanrchist that claim the red a without the udnerstanding of what it stands for. All of these indivdulalist anarchist are givign us a bad name, and bad propagada. Anarchy is not about chaos and a freelance society. It is the realization of true unity. It is people who have similar beliefs comign together and living in a society that benefits everyone, and hurts no one. A sosicety where the government is truly run by the people. The abolishment of leaders, yet the realization that everyone is a leader. A society where you don't have to fight the system, because the system works for you. A place where you don't have to betray your values because no one asks you too. A place where you are safe becaus eif you get hurt, people will take care of you. Anarchy and chaos are polar opposites. Its high time people realize this. "The government the governs best is one that governs least. The government that governs least if none at all." Thomas Jefferson.

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So basically you want a Comunist State
Who is this referring to?
Do you even know what anarchy is?


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