Mohawks Rock

If you guys want/have children how would/do you raise them? Do you raise them on children's shows and cartoons, or do you let them watch action or horror movies?

Personally I was raised on horror movies and metal. My husband are trying to have kids and I plan on raising our kids in much the same way, except on punk not metal (even though I do like me some metal, but they'll mostly be hearing punk as that's mostly what my husband and I listen to).... and I won't have them around any illegal drugs.

So what's your take?

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OMG. What kind of parent gets drunk and drives their kids around???
a bad one...
Dude, seriously. Tonight I saw two people bring their kids to an alcohol store. I mean REALLY??? Come the fuck on, people. That is NO PLACE to bring your kid to.
It's a pretty sad state of affairs, isn't it?

And, hey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little D&D!! lol GEEKS UNITE!
Dungeons and dragons? 0.o What are you talking about???

And like I said, love my friends kids and I'm sure my kids would be amazing but that's because they'd be taught manners. See, I dunno how things are in UK with parenting (children having children or not) but in the States, people seem raise their children to act like rabid animals.

It's awful.

-_- And I agree-people who keep on having children and don't try to prevent doing so because they're fine with living off of the people's tax money shouldn't be allowed children. You are responsible for your children, not your neighbors. Half the time those people spend their allowance on alcohol. >=(
Dungeons and Dragons is a table top role playing game. You make your own characters and the Dungeon Master makes up a story for the characters. Think of it as acting out stories.

It's pretty cool, imo.
Ohhhhh no no. I know what it is. And I wouldn't be caught dead playing it.

I just want to know where he got that.

Btw Cass, if you drive North down St.Charles Avenue from 7th St. and look to your left, on the back of an old building(past all of the houses before the next major St....4th?), you can see where they (attempted) to paint over graffiti that has a big anti-swastika and says "Get the fuck out, Nazi scum." Yep. That was me and my gang.

And better yet, if you drive down that underpass towards Landreth Park past seventh, on the side across from the river there should be a big mural of a girl with a mohawk and a girl with a chelsea back to back that says "little bitch" underneath. That was me and my bestie last year. =) And my favorite piece too.
It was done in good humor for an inside joke. But badass all the same.

I don't remember where all I've tagged in J-Town, but I know there's one on Spooklight Rd that says "ska" too. Just look out for 'em. Haha.

Thought I'd give you a fun bit of sightseeing. Let me know what you think of them.
That's pretty sweet. I've never done graffiti before, but I've always admired other people's handiwork. I will have to ask Sam (my hubbie) if he knows where any of those spots are and I will go see if he does.

And, ya, D&D isn't for everyone. lol (In fact one of my coworker's and I got into a discussion about it one day and she thinks it's Satanism. ROFL)
Close-minded people think everything unfamiliar is satanism.

It's called ignorance, plain and simple.
Hmm, true. Oh ya, did you get my group invite?
Yarp. I know what you mean. I'm not Satanist myself, but I know people who are and they are actually pretty nice people once you get to know them. They just get a bad rep because everyone makes Satanism out to be this horrible thing, AND they are goth kids. Kinda pissed me off whenever I saw anyone giving them shit, but they knew how to give it right back to 'em. haha


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