Mohawks Rock

Just something I was thinking about earlier. I have a really hard time trusting the female population. I never know if I am being lied to. The truth can pretty easily turn into a lie. Even accidentally.

I'm scared of relationships because of the fear of them turning sour, if you can dig that. It tends to make relationships seem pointless. Just something to do in-between sex sessions.

Realistically, most relationships don't work out. Probably whomever you are with now, you aren't going to be with them forever, regardless of what you think. You can say 'I'll love you forever' and all that bullshit, but what does it really mean?

Nothing. It's just something that people say. It is completely meaningless. To think that you are ever in a position to say, 'Hey dude, I'll love you forever and we'll get married and die laying in the same bed together' is fucking ridiculous. People change their minds. People lie. People fuck up. People are stupid. People cheat. People fall out of love.

Fuck people.

Relationships, to me, seem like a drug. You find you a girl that you dig, you fuck her for a while, then she (or you) will eventually (most likely) break up and be sad and heartbroken and miserable. (This applies to being in a relationship with someone you care about, not this fake fuck buddy shit that most people have going on.) So basically what I am trying to say is that it's good for a while and then it probably will get bad.

And, to make matters worse, the longer its good, the worse the bad part will be. Can you see how that is like a drug?

Love is fake. Think about it. Love is a feeling, that's all. Feelings are created by your body for various reasons. All 'love' is is your body saying 'Oh ho ho, here we have something fuckable. I'd better produce happy feelings so I can reproduce!' There is no magic kind of love in the world.

Being 'in love' is exactly the same as an addiction. All that it means to be in love with someone is you have found someone to fuck that isn't annoying. Think about that. After you break up, it's going to hurt, just like if you stopped doing a drug. Your body goes through love withdrawal symptoms for a while because for however long it has been producing the 'happy love' chemical and then it just stops all of a sudden.

People that have experienced 'love at first sight' can be broken down into one category: Simple minded. To believe that it is possible to just look at someone and love them is absolutely insane. You can't just love someone automatically, unless you are at about the same maturity level as a seventh grader. 'Love at first sight' is synonymous with 'Wanting to fuck at first sight.'

"But I knew from the first time I saw her that I would spend the rest of my life with her."

No, actually the first time you saw her, your brain screamed 'I want to fuck that!' and so you went up and talked to her. If a marriage and a happily ever after ending comes from it, then ALL that fucking means is that her brain screamed "I want to fuck that!" when she saw you.

Getting to know people that you are interested in a relationship with is just a way of your brain finding you something to fuck that isn't going to annoy you.

Love is your body producing a feeling that you will like so that you will keep this person around, and fuck them.

Love is propaganda. Fuck relationships, fuck love, fuck people, and most of all dear reader: Fuck you.

Someone prove me wrong.

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Hmm i agree with some of that...........
Which part(s) do you agree with??
"I'm scared of relationships because of the fear of them turning sour, if you can dig that. It tends to make relationships seem pointless. Just something to do in-between sex sessions.

Realistically, most relationships don't work out. Probably whomever you are with now, you aren't going to be with them forever, regardless of what you think. You can say 'I'll love you forever' and all that bullshit, but what does it really mean?

Nothing. It's just something that people say. It is completely meaningless. To think that you are ever in a position to say, 'Hey dude, I'll love you forever and we'll get married and die laying in the same bed together' is fucking ridiculous. People change their minds. People lie. People fuck up. People are stupid. People cheat. People fall out of love."
Mainly that.
you know, the sad thing is, that's how it is today. Love as it used to be doesn't exist anymore. It's been cheapened and confused for something else rendering it fake.

"Love" has been reduced to a series of chemical reactions for one simple thing, that disgusting evolutionary drive to reproduce. I hate children lol so there goes that idea.

Love at first sight is nothing but a farce to me. I hate hearing my friends bitch about their relationship problems, i have a hard time trying to give a shit. I'm used to being alone, i almost prefer it.

Its sad that other people are now reinforcing my pessimism lol
Dunno about you guys, but I don't think sex and love go hand in hand.

If I genuinely care about someone, I can sit and watch paint dry with them. I don't care, because I enjoy their company. Sex, if/when it presents itself is not important, just fun and just another form of bonding (seriously). (I honestly have no drive or desire to have children). I just need something constant in my life. Having that person there helps me in ways you guys may never know.

Yes, there are chemicals that are released, yes they make you feel good. But those chemicals benefit you in the long run. If you "love" someone and are in a serious and long term relationship with them, you're likely to live a longer, healthier, happier life.

Lust and love are not synonymous. Kids today got it wrong. Maybe I'm a bit old school/old fashioned, but thats okay with me. Blame it on the media, glorifying shitty relationships that are only beneficial for one person (money, for example).

I never wasted time like my peers do, dating someone for two weeks and moving on to the next available thing. Its pointless. I won't let myself become involved unless I can see it lasting. It's nothing but drama otherwise. Most people are immature and ignorant to the fact that we are constantly growing and changing. And in that ignorance, they are unwilling to accept that reality, and in turn, make decisions because they aren't aware of their own nature. But if you meet someone who is also aware of that, and willing to work and compromise or whatever it takes, you are more likely to find a best friend and life long partner out of it.

I do agree, that most people tend to rush into things blind, and not really aware of what is going on, and that can add to the damage done in the end. Most relationships are doomed to fail, it's a given. So many people in the world. However, there can be situations that work out. Relationships are multi-lane freeways and must be handled as such. Check your mirrors and your blind spots before merging, keep up with the flow of traffic, and be aware of dangerous curves (especially at high speeds, hehe). Take care of yourself and all the other pieces will fall in line.

And with this, I bid you all good night.
True, love is an evolutionary mechanism that encourages healthy offspring to carry on your genes. Aesthetic qualities and behavioral qualities both come into effect, unconsciously most of the time, as you try to decide if your mate is of good and healthy stock. Welcome to evolution. If you find this view of love discourages or pisses you off, your problem is with the way of life, not hollywood. We're all just vehicles used to feed our genes, and our behaviors are tried and tested methods developed through hundreds of thousands of years of trial and error.

And fuck you for fucking me after I read your angsty post. Grow a dick and she just might fuck it. Just because you've found out hollywood's version of love is a crock of shit doesn't mean that the good feelings we call love are a bad thing. Just enjoy the good while you have it and don't put expectations on it.
Last sentence... I love it.

It always helps to keep yourself grounded.
You are just subconciously asking yourself the age old question:

Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?
Love is not a chemical reaction. Yes, you have those too.

If you really love someone, this means you love them more than yourself. It sounds simple, but it's really not.
This is why the idea of 'the on you fuck, and the one you come home to' is such a good idea (theoretically, at least). You can have the person you love Platonically, and who you live with and love and spend most of your time with. And then you have the one that you want to screw like crazy, but at the same time who lack anything else in common with, and thus spend less time with. In many ways (though I myself like monogamy) this is why monogamy is a bitch. Realistically, you will rarely find someone you can successfully do both with over long periods of time. Hence why people tend to find someone who they love in the platonic sense of the word, and then convince themselves that they really want to screw the person, because they love them that much.

This is why Hollywood came up with the idea of a love in which neither person sacrifices part of their personality or livelihood, and are platonically and sexually attracted. Romantic, sure, but realistically? Impossible. This, of course, leads to lying on both sides of the spectrum. Trust me, I've had plenty of guys lie to me because they think I'll fuck them, or because I get better grades then them and are thus a good person to bring home to mother.
You speak truth, my friend...


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