Mohawks Rock

I got some studs today (yay) and i had a fuckload of trouble getting them in, the legs of the stud are too thick to bend with a pair of pliers! tips?

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yeah, well I use a screw driver to bend em. then like put it flat then use your thumb, idk thats probably not explaining it very well. aaand if you can't bend them with pliers the screwdriver thing probably won't help you.

Hammers might. Try hammers.
all we use are a flathead screwdriver and lots of elbow grease here! haha

I know what you meant, probably cause I do it the same way.
use your teeth.

teeth and darts are what REAL punk use.
But first we eat powdered concrete to prepare, or we just take a bite out of the curb TRU PUNX
Yeah, that was pretty cute.
Yeah guys i don't think you realise how hard it is to bend these studs lol, i used a screwdriver, a hammer and a big chunk of metal, and it is still hard!
or you'll just heat it up to the point where you can burn yourself and still unbent, due to the excessive heat.
gloves would make it harder to handle the studs.

I had to do this with pistons... it was not fun.
The rock shop in Newcastle.
i have no credit card, and i dont think they order to australia
Hahaha no they don't.
I bought studs from, I live in Melbourne. I saved quite a bit of money buying them from there. Shops that sell studs/spikes in Melbourne are fucking expensive.


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