Mohawks Rock

Just kinda courious cause there's another thread about nicknames and this kind goes with it. Mines Ben. Whats yours? And dont spaz. Ok. Just having some more fuckin fun like we always do. Haha

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Replies to This Discussion names Jessinta.
i just wasn't real creative when i joined this site.


everyone pronounces it wrong for some reason lol
Like.. DEE-Clan? :-)
i really cant see how that could be mispronounced.
but...some people can find a way to mispronounce jsut about anything
you'd be very surprised. in all my years i can count on one hand the amount of people who got it on there first try :(

i went be "de-clon" for 7 years in judo lol.
I'm Paige.

But that isn't a name you should call me. Khaos or raije is just fine (raije -rage- being roughly how my name is pronounced and spelled, courtesy of my bulgarian co-workers) and I do mean ROUGHLY. I'm pretty sure there aren't any "g" or "j" characters in the cyrillic alphabet...
I was just courious. I didn't ask so we could call you that. I just wondered because everyone has these awesome (or wierd) nicknames and I always kinda wondered what peoples real names are. I was actually trying to guess a few. Like you know how people say "You look like a_____". Hahaha
Lol, I was just saying, it weirds me out to the extreme. I live in a busy house - multiple kids and multiple animals. I respond to almost anything these days... getting my own name is rare, haha.

You wouldn't believe the names I get...
Sam (haha, which is my boyfriends name)

Also! Are you aware of the studies about childrens names and how it affects them socially? If you have a common name you tend (read everyone else -- TEND!!! haha not necessarily) to be more mainstream in your activities and social groups?
Really? Never heard that before. That kind of makes sense. In a way. Do you know off the top of your head(or where I could find out) which names are the most sociable and least? Thats really interesting.
Depends on the decade - Names like Mike, Will, Ryan, Alex, Emily, Ashley, Amanda, etc. (fairly common names)
basically the top 20 baby names or whatever for whatever time period. I think ours is finally shifting.

the theory is that the more of an uncommon or embarassing name (who wants to be named orville???) you probably won't be one of the mainstream kids. Those kids who are named with more popular names would be more likely to cast you aside.
If i can remember where I found this out from, I'll definitely let you know. But it does make sense.
Every Jakob I've ever know has been a complete ass. Does this seem to be the same reasoning?
Me too. Every single jakob.


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