Mohawks Rock

I plan on getting a mohawk this suMMer, my dad is lyke "go for it!" *thumbs up* he dont care cuz he used to have liberty spikes, so he is kinda proud of me to foLLow his tracks (thanks dad :D) he also is fine with me geTTing my lip pierced *another YA!!* but there is a problem, my grandfather, i dont care wot he has to say, but he's family. He said he would disown me, got into arguments with my dad, my aunt is on his side (we used to be close) and their all ganging up on me! wot have i done?! i get good grade, and follow the rules, just coz i want to be ME and not them they get mad? so any advise as to ease the shock and dissmay of my Decision ? i told them it would be cooL, and i would look fine with it, nothing TOO drastic, but all they can say is I will be a Carney or a freak! My dad tried everthing and now it is up to me, so how do i break it to them?

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personally i would do what the fuck i want. you are you , and you decide what you wanna look like, nobody else. get a mohawk, get a lip piercing, hell, dye your hair blue or red and really go for it. good luck. remember, YOU ARE YOU, nobody ELSE, just YOU.
Thats exactly my point I want to do this! and i wiLL but my family and i have been close riLLy tight, so i thought they would understand and they didnt. But i am me, and regardless to wot they say, i will do wot i like with my hair, and lip :)
i think if somebody dislikes you only of a hairstyle then he is an idiot.

your character does not change because of the hair - i never understood the people for whom looking is more important than behavior.

just make the hawk and when your family loves you they will still talk to you and will notice that you´re the same human being as before.
thank you, i have been (latley) doing my hair the way i want to (sadly no pics D:) and like u had said, they treat me the same, i mean it was a shock to them at first, but then my grandad said, "it rilly does look gud on you" so that is a start :)
Family is obviusly important to you, I know how you feel. If you're grandfather wants to disown you because of you're hairstyle or because of the body jewlrey you want to wear, I think he needs to have a proper think about how he is acting (and I mean this in the nicest possible way!). I'm sure he said exactly the same things to your dad and he didn't disown him.. TBH, I would let them all forget about it for a while, then if you are absolutley dead set on a mohawk, go for it.. They might have warmed to the idea.

If your mohawk is long enough nobody will even notice if you don't spike it up. As for getting you'r lip done, go for it. All you need to do is avoid the people that don't like the idea of it till it's healed (a few weeks tops, I think) then you can take it in and out as you please. It works, I have 6 piercings, none of which my parents know about (ok so they don't look in my mouth or check me out topless but you get the point).

So yeah... Try and compromise, wrecking relationships is not the way to go. BUT, neither is calling people carnies or freaks because of how they look or act, make sure you remind them of that one if you can.

Hope that helps =p
Thanks, that was the kind of support i need :)
i am set on getting a mohawk, and i will, as for the lip, well.... most likley i am getting it cut this weekend!
and i no they will warm up to it, it just kinda hurts, you know, but i am me, and they cant change that.
but again, thanks for the support, it heLps, ALOT! XD
The worst part of a lip peircing is having to hold you're lip out. the actual peirce isn't too bad.
riLLy? o well, i think it would be worth it, i have been waiting to get my lip peirced for 2 years!! i think now would be a good time to get it done =3
If your family really is close, nobody is going to disown you over anything.

You going through with what you want to do, as long as it is not harming anybody physically will help open them up a bit and possibly broaden them. Not guaranteed that they "see the light" of tolerance and acceptance but if they do not accept you like that, then they do not really love you and you should call them on it.

I am really into standing your ground for your beliefs. I believe in calling out hypocricy wherever and whenever I see it and family or friends are no exception. I feel that if I love them, I owe it to them just I expect them to point out to me when I am being hypocritical or not being on the atraight and narrow.

May sound harsh or not coherent right now but I am really frustrated and can't think as clearly as usual so I apologize.
Noi understand, it hurts you know? them trying NOT to except me, when i never did anything wrong. But i do not think you are being harsh, i think wot you are saying is correct, and you dont have to appoligize :)
look its ur family they should take u as u r nothing more nothing less, just bc u cut and dye ur hair and get ur lip periced doesnt change who u r bc no matter what u r still going to be the same person, ur hair cut and a lil pice of metal in in ur flesh wont change who u r and if they cant see that now then u have to show them, they prob picture what they want u to be and what they want u to look like, like ur a copy of every1 in ur family and that is BS, if u just go along with what they say and feel u will lose ur self and be no1 and i dont think that would bc to much fun, after all if every1 was the same and did what their family wanted to do then no1 would ever feel happyness so DO IT hell do it in front of them, have ur dad cut it in frount of all of them and then after its done act like a zombie or shit and then snap out of it and be like o wait its just and walk away or something, make some kinda smart ass comment to rub it in their faces that u r still the same person and what not, have fun
*high five!!* hellZ ya :D
i am pretty sure they will warm up to the idea, they are jsut going to have to deal with it!
i have always been the weird artist type, and they knew it, so they should accept me, just like they except my crazy art! as for doing the hair cut in front of them... maybe not, i would just prefer me and my dad (father daughter bonding) since he is incouraging it, but the lip peicing... YUS! they get to sit and watch XD
i know they will accept me, i just think its a shock thing, there like "WOT!?" but they'll get used to it :) (they will have too)


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