Hi everyone I've got a few questions as a girl who's rocked a mohawk for 3 years now. I've been pretty happy with my regular 5 inch spiked fan mohawk but I'm trying for something a bit more adult and feminine as I enter into my 20's. I still want to keep the sides of my head shaved, however, I rarely enjoy pulling my hair into somewhat awkward looking spikes. It looks fine I suppose but I admit my current hairstyle could look better. I was searching around and I finally found a great reference for what I wanted so I went out and handed my stylist the picture and she cut it appropriately. However, I have no idea how to style and mold my mohawk into this softer fluffier objective of a hairstyle. So I was wondering if anyone out there would know the techniques and products I need to use to get my dream mohawk, I provided a picture with my post. Thanks in advance~