Mohawks Rock

It should be deleted, not only is it offensive, but the members are innactive.

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once again killing free speech to appeal to a minority... ever since they've been inactive no one has heard shit from them so who cares? as for the offensive part... DON'T GO THERE! i'm sure our group is "offensive" to them and they never bitched or fought to erase us as you have to do the same to them. Either free speech can exist in its purest form or it will not exist at all. Its as clear as Black and White to me (not in racist context). If you want to censor the web then that also means you want to control what people can say or opinions that can be expressed. That is facism. Again. grow up and learn whats worth fighting for.
I am not going to argue that shit again, i am just saying that the members were offensive (making comments etc) they are the only members and he group is redundant.
HOLY SHIT, MAN! Where will the hypocrisy end?! And I don't know about anyone else, but I'm done with all this shit and won't start or join any more conversations about it.
go figure lol... that's all i'm gonna say about it


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