Mohawks Rock

So the sides of my hair are growing out and instead of shaving them down again, I'm thinking of doing some interesting design in the side... I'm caught between swirls or zig zags... though I'm also going back and forth with shaving a heart or something and dying it a different color...

What do you guys think I should do?

Also, I'd just like to say I discovered this hair spray that works better than that got2b glue spray stuff.. It's called Pump it up and they usually sell it in the ethnic section... Mmmm so good!

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between zig zagz and swirls, i would say zig zags, but what i think would look cool on you is #2ing the sides then dying them blond, then putting cheetah spots the color of your natural hair on the sides
Yeah I've thought of this, though it's been done waay to many times. It's almost common place now, which is a shame because I love it.
i would say... get a smile face on one side of your head. OR grow it long enough to spike the sides
Hahaha, I've had the smiley face before... Like way back when I was 17
Oh I love roses! The largest tattoo I have is a rose it covers my whole shoulder.
my plan is a zipper. You can use it if you really want to. might be hard though.
A zipper?! How do you plan on doing that? Really cool idea, though a bit too complicated for me I think.
Designs are fun, i would choose Zig zags over swirls cos they seem more feirce. I usually just do whatever comes to mind at the time.
My friend did a checked pattern once. He didn't have a hawk but I'm sure the pattern would be easy enough to do on the side. He did it with bleaching though not cutting. The art department at my school did it actually lol.
u could do 1 side zigzagies, and the other spirals, and then u've got the best of both worlds! plus when u spice it up and do 2 shapes or designs 1 on each side, it rocks. it only looks silly if u do something way cooler on 1 side than the other. but these are 2 designs, so itll be cool.
Those are way sweet.

I think I'm going to let some crazy artist just do what he will anyway, I'm always bad at making decisions. Thanks for all the help!


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