Mohawks Rock

For you who smoke, why do you? I'm a smoker btw, (I'm talking cigarettes not mary jane btw) and last night i was having my last smoke before bed, and i was thinking to myself, "Why do I smoke?" Everybody in this time and age knows that it's gonna kill you, Me included, so why do we smoke? I've been trying to figure this one out for myself.

I just want to know why you guys smoke, when, how, with who. You know. First time stories especially.

And to you guys that don't smoke, feel free to reply, but leave out the, "Smoking's disgusting, Ew, etc." Comments.


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Ya know i really think that the visual is the driving point for me, and i really do like the taste. I smoke a pipe as well, and own an $80 Meerschaum Long pipe. I like the fact that it's just aesthetically pleasing to me. My first time was cuz this kid i respected the hell out of at my last job smoked like a chimney, so i said hey fuck it i'll give it a try. And i've been smoking ever since. I just like it. And that's reason enough for me to keep smoking i've decided. I liked the quote, "If it feels good do it, even if you shouldn't", cuz that pretty much sums it up for me
Agreed and something i failed to add was the social aspect. Although that mainly(for me anyway) involved marijuana it can also include tobacco's, many of which i enjoy the taste.. I've got little experience with them but aren't hookahs made for good tasting tobacco's?

Theres a myriad of ways to kill and damage yourself, directly and not. When people get all high and mighty about smoking, i like to remind them that sitting in traffic or even walking down a busy street has a less than healthy impact on our lungs and how many millions go through that and how many go through that on a day to day basis? Yet its cigs that are the cause to cancer, nothing else, just the bad bad cigs... Yeah, of cause they are.
I actually own 5 hookahs, and if that came in a short stick i could smoke on the go (which couldn't possibly happen) I would shit myself lol
"... and something i failed to add was the social aspect"

Funny you should mention that.
I was out last night having drinks with workmates (farewell for a friend). There were 10 of us there and we were all having fun chatting away and one person wanted to go and have a smoke. Suddenly there's only 5 of us left feeling a little weird. When the others came back we all got chatting as a group again.

Just something I noticed last night.
I've never smoked before, nor done drugs and I didn't start drinking alcohol until I was 26.
I have no problems with people smoking around me, I just choose not to do it. I have no interest. But I won't tell people to stop doing it. It's their choice.

I did once say to my boss when he was talking about quitting
"I'll join you. You quit smoking, and I'll quit passive smoking"
started smoking chron in grade 8... started cigarettes this year (grade 10). i was really fucking drunk and i ended up smoking like 10 cigarettes. got completely addicted... :(
I tried my first cigarette in 9th grade, because I was bored and curious I guess. Tried bud for the first time that same year. As time went on I started buying packs. I wouldn't say I was ever addicted, it was more just something to keep you occupied for a short while. Anywho, when I moved to Ohio in January of this year I decided that I was going to change for the better and drop cigs. Occassionally, I'll have a cigarette or two when I'm drinking but I always end up regretting it the next morning when I wake up with ashtray breath.
..well I was straight-edge about a year ago but then I got bored of it (where I live its easy to get bored) and I started downing beer, which is tasty btw, about a month later I tried a sigarette.
It was horrible but I found myself calmed by the smoke inside me and I couldnt stop playing with it (the smoke).
Now I have complete control over it and I smoke maybe 1 fag a week maximum 3 in seven days.
I switched to the pipe and its so good.
Last Saturday I went to the cinema and watched a pretty depressing film (Hunger for those that are curious) and when I exited the cinema the first thing i did was I bought a fag and guess what, it calmed me down.
So yeah, it works..a bit.
When someone hasn't had a cigarette they tend to get anxious and nervous - so, that makes sense that the brain is craving the nicotine after a film, it makes you nervous, which encourages you to get more to calm down to normal.
Smoking's disgusting, Ew.
With me, I started because I wanted to try the ganja, and I didn't want the first thing I smoked to be a joint. I then started working in a call centre and started to smoke more due to the fact that it meant I could have a break. Then I got hooked.

Meh, I enjoy it at the end of the day, and I've got no reason to quit. If I got with a chick who hated it, I'd try to quit, but I ain't got any reason to at the moment.


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