Mohawks Rock

What kind of attention does your mohawk attract?

First off, I'd like to say that Im going to be hacking myself a mohawk this summer. I plan on doing the duct tape method. I'd do it sooner but I plan on getting a job in a month or so. I figure if they already have me hired and THEN I get a hawk, they wont get rid of me.

But I was wondering what kind of attention your cut gets. Im sure you get plenty of it , but what kind. Good, Bad, Enthusiastic, tell me your experience.

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hell yea I am not educated I quit school an fuckn glad I did    FTW an FUCK THE RICH

YEAH! That is classic!
haha dude yes! thats what its about. i think stuff like that will eventually get the "business" world to accept us for who we are. who got to decide mohawks arent professional anyways?
most of my experiences have pretty much been covered
people ask the same questions but with the added "how do you sleep?" (dumbest ever)
only a few people have asked to touch
most just do it anyway and wonder why you look anoyed
had all the comments shouted while i've been out
and some guy even had the nerve to take my photo (without asking) when i was out with my wife have a romantic dinner.
People sometimes make some positive remarks though there is a fair share of abuse along the way. I would tell you many stories of bus journeys and nights out but i'd me waffling on.
luckily I work for myself so I don't really have to worry about work
dude someone took my photo without asking too.
it was really random, but i think he just wanted to jack off over it at night.
Well, I'm in high school so many of the cliques have different opinions about it. The majority of the people think its cool and I get a lot of compliments on it, but a lot of the preppy girls, you know the ones who never seen anything except whats on MTV, laugh and make fun of me. Also, in my P.E. class everyone calls me mohawk, rocker, or hardcore; which is kinda cool. I definatly get a lot of attention, both good and bad. You just have to ignore the bad.
Bad news... I emailed the company that I plan on sending an application to asking about the possibility of a mohawk. They replied by saying that only conservative hairstyles are allowed, therefore NO MOHAWKS. Damn damn damn. Its total bullshit but, I guess that the cut will have to wait till a later time. Still, I will enjoy watching others rock it, lol.
that sucks and is precisely why I despise our current "work" model

sorry to hear about that
you could always find away sround it, i have to keep my hair conservitave for work so i put up the sides in a tri-hawk fashion, when i want to have it up, and i dont have to be totally ashamed of myself for haveing a faggy fux-hawk
Well, just for the hell of it, I was cutting my hair anyways so I cut it into a hawk. It looks kinda shitty though being that my hair was really short. It isnt long enough to spike it. I'll post some pics up eventually.
wen am out by mesell i get a mixed reception bout me hair like.... chavs i get the patrinising "wohhhh like ya like m8, howd dya dee it?" n shit

then its gd afta tht like apart from the odd randomer in the car driving past shout "get ya hair cut" but i just ignore them

I couldn't understand any of that.


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