Mohawks Rock

1) I'll bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you. Full Metal Jacket - HerBDerb

2) Make block. Left, right. Up, down. Side, side. Breathe in, breathe out. And no scare fish. - The Karate Kid

3) People say crazy shit during sex. One time I called this girl "Mom." - Clerks

4) We have randomly selected weapons to put in your kits, so you might get lucky, and you might not.
*Picks up axe*
This one is super lucky.
Battle Royale - Adam the Ika Wrestler

5) What was I supposed to do? Call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others? - The Sting

6) Inconceivable The Princess Bride - Amanda

7) Sell my guitars? Would you tell Picasso to sell his guitars? School of Rock - Alexis

8) I'll tell you what he said! He asked me to forcibly insert the lifeline exercise card into my anus! Donnie Darko - Amanda

9) What's a nubian? - Chasing Amy

10) You loaded your gun with old fucking bullets you put through the fucking wash? - Two Hands

Views: 137

Replies to This Discussion

4 is either Battle Royale or the Condemned Maybe?
I'll give you that one. It's Battle Royale.
Another of my favourite movies.
After this movie Chiaki Kuriyama played Gogo in Kill Bill Vol 1.
Honostly haven't seen the movie but I have read the book. The condemned by the way was a blatant rip off of Battle Royale. Well except with criminals instead of teenagers.
I've got the book, the movie and the manga. All are great. There are differences in the book and the movie but it's close enough. Well worth hunting down but I believe it's never been, or will be, released in the US.

The condemned is on my list of movies to watch (I have a pile of DVDs at work waiting for me to buy them)
I hear that indy theaters show it from time to time... Well just not in Anchorage
is 3 along came polly?
:( No.
Some hints:

2: Wax on, Wax off

3 & 9: I'm a Kevin Smith fan ;)

5: Old film about the big con.

10: Australian film. One of Heath Ledgers early movies.
Okay it's been over a month. Here are the answers to those that have not been done

2) The Karate Kid - Mr Miyagi says it to Daniel-san on the boat when he's fishing.

3) Clerks - Randal says it to Dante. Kinda disappointed this one wasn't answered.

5) The Sting

9) Chasing Amy - Banky asks Hooper this question at the comic convention at the beginning. Kinda disappointed this one wasn't answered too

10) Two Hands


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