Mohawks Rock

im having a really tough time finding a job right now, im sure everyone is, but i dont want to cut my hair quite yet for a hawk because i know that it would kill my chances of finding a job pretty much anywhere. can anyone gimme some advice on some places to look or what. i want to cut it so bad, ive bleached it and everything, but i just cant think of anywhere that would hire me off the street with a hawk

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try your local mall. I've had several interviews with a mohawk and none of the employers minded it, Just my lack of experience played a big part lol
yea ill be 18 in 3 weeks so that should help me. however the mall right near me is so packed with kids already applying, its tough to compete, even though i do have experience. i worked in retail before, and im thinking about going back into it
then you'll probably have more luck than me lol, I'm 18 and have no experience.,, which sucks but I'm sure some one is bound to hire me eventually. good luck to ya tho
Don't knock it - but try in hot topic and spencers, too. Fuck what everyone else says about the stores. If it helps you pay bills then go for it.

Would recommend target. Apparently they are piercing/mohawk/tattoo friendly.
Also: Gas stations. Sex shops. Bowling alleys. Skating rinks. Mom and pop shops. Indie/record shops. Fast food (again, if it pays the bills). Drugstores.
my 1st job(i had liberty spikes all over my head while working)was as a sign spinner 4 some real estate ppl selling condos...workd out pretty gud
how much did you get paid?
50 bux per every 3 hours =]]
sign spinner?
ppl in corners spinning big arrow shaped signs
Why didn't they use some form of motor? (:
its not just spinning it u gotta do tricks with it and throw it bassically so the sign gets attention nd ppl read it
Ah, see - you didn't tell us the fancy stuff! Now I get it. :D


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