Mohawks Rock

I'm tired of all the conflict on the site, so on a lighter note, what do you dance?

Mosh? Samba? Swing? Lindy? Salsa?

You name it. I wanna hear about it. =]

I enjoy swing, moshing, and belly dancing.

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i enjoy moshing & skanking

I figured that moshing would be kinda popular here. =]
i have to be shit faced drunk to dance lol
Awwh why?

I dance all the time and I could easily be mistaken for being shitfaced drunk haha xD
i actually dance better when i am drunk... and for some strange reason i like to think i can waltz
Haha, well whatever floats your boat!

I'm sure I'd look ridiculous dancing while drunk xD
THE WALTZ!! <3 I like a lot of dancing. A lot of formal stuff too.
And latin music. Hips are good for that. haha

As long as I'm not doing the grapevine (electric slide) and... the macarena, I'm golden. (i can do them in my sleep. I hate them so much! and the people that taught it to me)
BUT! The Cotton Eyed Joe has a soft spot in my heart.
because its alot more fun and i give less of a shit about bustin my face lol
I suppose that makes sense about getting hurt... but then again, I'm always getting hurt, so it wouldn't make much of a difference to me haha.
One other thing. If you like to dance, (any way, shape, or lack of form) you should join the swing/mosh group I'm in.
I wanna learn belly dancing!

But, I have a soft spot for swing. Oh boy do I ever.
And then there are shows...and fighting... haha, but I don't think those count ;-)


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