Wasn't sure if this is the right area to post, but it seems like an appropriate one. I apologise if it is not.
I haven't had my mohawk for long. For the last two weeks I've had my hair up in 4 spikes. Each one is 9-10 inches in length. The width between the shaved sides is 5 inches (I didn't realise it was that wide until I measured it moments ago)
This morning I decided to split the spikes in half and touch them up.
Kind of like a bihawk really close together. Sort of.
Which looks better, the single fat spikes, or the two thinner spikes side by side?
And yes, I'm quite aware:
* that I am not very good at getting the spikes to line up behind each other. Or even just point in the right direction. Hopefully that will come with practice
* I need to reshave the sides of my head.
* I have very little hair in the front spikes
Just to show how little hair I have in the front one, I pushed down the spikes behind and took a photo (Larger version on my website. Link is above). I have to admit though, despite the lack of hair, I like how they look. They even held up in the rain the last few days when I've walked home.
Basically I want to know what you think.
1 fat spike, or 2 thinner ones side by side.
Or other suggestions.
Also, I welcome any tips on making the spikes look better. I usually don't have that much time in the mornings, so sometimes it can look rushed when looking at photos up close.
I want to get the technique right before I even look at colour.
And yes, I did roll my eyes back, that photo isn't edited (except to resize and add text)