sorry. i know i probably sound really idiotic. But how do you put those studs on jackets and ...where do ya find the studs? 'cause the closest thing i have found to look for stuff like that in ak is Hot Topic....and they are no help.
yea, studsandspikes is good junk, and is good too. both are good 'n cheap. bought my leather jacket at a pawn shop. seen em at plenny thrift shops too. good luck!
I found that the studs from were a little to hard to to fold (but I do like to use my hands (fuck your darts segadoway :P)), also they had little inperfections (sp that :P) that i didn't like to much. The ones from are only a few cents more, fold better, and look smoother. Also, put patches and different kinds of studs/spikes on it, after all, varitety is the spice of life!
you can find spikes or studs anywhere if you live in the Uk somewher like London would be a start or posibly birmingham or summin like that.
uh the usa:
or local t-shirt shops or summminlike that
but internet is the most likely and probably take less time
especially if you go out one day and don't actually find any