Did you have to go to court or was it one of those things where you call and they are like "nevermind". I had a guy start to work for me, and then got called to jury duty 5 days later. We were slammed and already waited to hire the right guy. He got stuck on a gang bang murder wrap for 3-4 weeks. Usually you just joke about that happening, but sometimes it does.
I called in and a recording stated 'Thank you for participating. Our jury pool is filled for the day'. I went to work.... Nice thing about this is that my name is out of the pool for about 6 months.
No. Apparantly the jury pool was filled. Michigan operates on a lottery system. Once they reach the number they need, they excuse the remainder. Too bad I don't have that kind of luck tith MegaMillions.
i was in jury duty. I sat on 4 cases. i had a red and black mohawk then. they didnt excuse me. LAter after we were all done the Da and his assistant came up and talked to me about my particpation. I asked why he didnt excuse me he said the Jury trial relys on people who have an open mind arent gonna judge people on the there looks. I thought for a second makes sense a lil bit. The judge asked me not to spike it up. He was nice about it he said that it might inttimidate some of the witnesses. I complied, I understand i can be scary looking.