Mohawks Rock

Now to be brutally honest and because it may not be the Rebel way I'm not sure how most of you might take this but here goes.

My style of dress is to accompany the hawk with a suit. I just always enjoyed the prospect of the two and find both styles very attractive. Very un-contemporary with modern business if you will. I have only once found a girl with a mohawk and "business" clothing, black skirt, female suit jacket, the whole nine yards. That was a fantastic day.

So does anyone else do this? I worked as a salesman before and thats where it all started for me. Just curious.

So I ask does anyone else here

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I'd totally do it! but i don't have my hawk anymore (currently a skin) and i'm in college so dressing in suits (i only have one) would be expensive and tedious.
First of all, WELCOME to the worlds most rocking website!!!

Now the answer:
I have!!! haha. I used to sell phones and the like.
And I'm a fencing coach, and we tend to dress professionally for state competitions and as acting directors. Everyone knew me when I was a student before I was coaching and I think that softened the blow.
I think it's kind of fun. More people are curious. It's playful and a nice change in pace, too.

I like the polished look, too.
Oh...I think this boy is particularly dashing when he is in a suit!

Well I only have two and its more of a going out thing, other wise I wear jeans and a blazer because normally thats what I wear. Its a shame you had to cut it :P I had to once too, man that felt weird. Its like when someone who never wears a cap puts one on, the whole dimensions of your face change, I felt like a stranger for awhile.
WOW, I love you two, very Nice! And thank you, it feels nice to be here :P I'm in Vancouver which is Mostly (like 50%) Chinese and they aren't the most welcoming in the first place. But wow, good for you, and Yes, a dashing young man indeed.
It seems weird to me that there are a lot of chinese people out your way. I can only imagine the clashing of the accents! (if they have them, that is). We're a good lot on here, haha. And definitely know how it feels.
I've really only seen one person out right rejected by the active masses here..and I'm sure you'll read his threads of epic fail at some point on here! But feel free to throw your two cents in anywhere. Lots of cool people! And a rather large lot from Canada,too.

And thank you very much =]
He hates it...but oh boy if he only knew haha. But he has a bit of growing up to do. I'm robbing the cradle, so to speak, haha.
The accents out here is a 24 hour laughing riot, it took me 12 minutes to order out one time :P

Haha, its good to hear someone has the Fail covered. Less trouble off my back.

And 'lol at rocking the cradle, if he's a keeper he's a keeper, so what. Its all kosher in my book.
Oh geeze! I can't wait til I go live/visit in the UK and speak to the other immigrants, who probably have a better grasp of the slang...but I couldn't imagine trying to order out and it taking that long, haha.
Annnnd the more on the fail, the merrier!!

He told me yesterday that because I'm turning 20 in a few weeks, he "feels really, really young". =X but he's a senior in high school, it's all fine and well. haha I suppose I have to keep him. But he has a pretty killer zombie backpiece in the works. So, I hope he falls into business, because even if he doesn't keep the hawk, he'll be covered in tattoos.

Tattoos (nicely done, especially large pieces) and suits are a good combo, too!
Haha, wow, I do want to make pilgrimage to the UK once and see how I fit in that society too. It should be a blast, I always thought that was an awesome dialect :P

Ohh, and Happy Soon to be birthday, I'm turning 20 in June so I know the feeling.

As for the Tattoo, since I just moved to the west coast I am getting my friend to hook me up with one. I am still taking ideas, you have any for a cool tat?
Thank you! And happy almost birthday to you!

Oh man...the UK is awesome people wise. Where I want to end up is a small coastal town in Kent that has a huge history of fishing <3 haha. What throws me off is it is very, very compact.

Hm, tattoo ideas. What are your passions? I like to take ideas and run with them but am shit for the actual like drawing and art aspect haha. But a whole bunch of (good) ideas or jumping points can turn into one fabulous tattoo!
Sam's back piece is all about zombies and that..and is pretty killer. His other other one is for the Descendents, which really put his life in to perspective when his older brother introduced them to him.
I have fish. lol
Thanks, and good call! I'm thinking I am going to get a Zombie tattoo. Wow I can't believe I hadn't thought of that. What I will get is a black tattoo with a silhouette of a business man, with a mohawk of course and see if I can get some red and green and zombie him up hahaha. Thanks!
That's fucking awesome! (my rockband account has a tattoo like that)
I was turned into a zombie. I'm heading to his house tonight, I'll throw up a picture of his work in progress...

But I really like that business zombie idea...and it is a total play on ideas/real life, too.
Yeah, I imagine thats why its not so widely accepted right now, I think its gone, lost between the days of rebellion and fashion in the future.


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