Mohawks Rock

Because I read Twilight.. And.. Ok.. Let's start from the beginning..

I was avidly against the whole like.. freak over Twilight thing. Girls in my school were wearing Twilight t-shirts the day the movie came out and everything. I was like, yeah ok, probably some gay ass book about a girl falling in love with a vampire and then he turns her into one.. LAME!

But then I figured I'd give it a read and see what it's all about. So I asked for it for Christmas. I started reading it the other night.. and finished it THAT NIGHT. All I can say is OMFG. It was amazing. For a book that far below my normal reading standards it was very well written. She used suspense and didn't say things right out, like how some authors do. She made you think a bit, but not too much to where you're like.. fuck this shit. (As it is with many authors like William Faulkner and H.G. Wells.)

The characters are believable, something that is hard to come by in modern fictional novels made for teenage girls. And the plot has substance to it. Not only that, but Edward Cullen is dreamy enough to be any guy you want him to be. He's not just that vampire smitten with Bella, he's the guy you pass on the street who gives you the once over and holds your eyes for a moment too long, but looks away. They guy you'll never speak to again. He can be your boyfriend, who has weird little ways of showing his affection. He can be anyone you want him to be.

He's also.. a dream boat. Now, I hate using stupid words that you would find on shows like Valley Girls, but.. he is oh my god.. I just wish I had the money to buy the last 3 books.

I wish I was Bella. The fact that she gets an impossibly good looking, sultry, and highly dangerous guy makes me jealous beyond reason. The book is like taking a look into your deep innards and writing your deepest, and sometimes darkest, fantasies on paper. It's something that secretly, almost, every girl wants.

So.. in conclusion. I'm now an addict, and I want a sex vampire man in my bed right now.

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have you read them all? i haven't read the time paradox yet.
yay trends!
So I finished New Moon, thanks to Spook =]

It was really good. I was miserable for like.. teh whole book though. I couldn't stop crying hahaha.

But now everything is good, maybe even better than good! JUST ACCEPT BELLA OMFG!!!


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