Mohawks Rock

So. Yesterday I went to Wal-mart, and as I was walking thru the doors, a group of girls walking out, screamed, "I LOVE YOUR HAIR" (it was up in a deathhawk. It was my first time trying it, and it looked pretty shitty) I blatantly ignored them because quite frankly, i was tired, and I just wanted to get my PBR cheap with my step-dad and get the fuck out.
Apparently the fact that I could bring myself to ignore them, made one of the girls mad. She comes up to be and starts bitching me out, and I simply stare at her like a zombie. After her rant is over i say, "why the fuck would i care how much you like my hair? You're just another person on this god forsaken Earth, and I have better things to do than be flattered by a fashioncore scene teeny bopper such as yourself. So get the fuck outta my way."
I suppose that because i called her a, "fashioncore scene teeny bopper" angered her, and she started on her rant again, so I punched her in the face, she gave me a look of astionistment, my step-dad berated me, and I got my PBR.
Not too shabby of a night. That was pretty much my highlight tho.

Views: 35

Comment by The Haribo Ninja on May 8, 2010 at 11:14am
so I punched her in the face, epic
Comment by Ezekielpoop on May 10, 2010 at 9:54pm
hahah. I was annoyed and wanted cheap beer fast, what else was I supposed to do?


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