Just read this the other day at http://www.successful-blog.com/1/7584/.
The article drifted some but this particular quote struck at home.
The next time you sit down for “just five minutes” in social media, make a point to lift up another person. You don’t need to attempt profound conversations on deep subjects at every turn. Just try to stay open to the signals we all give when discouragement, loneliness, and fatigue set in.
Think about it as you jump on Mohawks Rock from time to time, even if it as simple as leaving a complete stranger a "happy birthday" message when you see its their birthday on the front page. Small things in your life, have the potential to have a monumental impact for somebody else. I think few people would not trade 10 seconds of a minute to positively impact the entire day of somebody else.
You never know when someday you might have a crazy question or problem in life, that you can't share with anyone around you, and suddenly you can turn to some social media outlet to get advice or even just someone to point out that they've been there, it sucks but it'll be alright.
Has a stranger brightened your day today?
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