Mohawks Rock

So I've been really irritated with the whole concept of "punk" lately. I've ranted about this before so I'll try and not go over the same things. But I have to say, one of the reasons I cut of my mohawk was to disassociate myself with these irritating people. I've always thought punk was about kickass music and a lifestyle that doesnt follow the conventions of regular society. I never thought punk was about being as destructive as possible, drinking on the streets, shitting in abandoned buildings and calling out other people for not being punk.

I've kind of always had this feeling that when you go around claiming to be a punk, and following the lifestyle, trends and culture just because its punk, really defeats the whole concept of it. To me, punk is something thats in your head, its an idea, a concept, a mentality. It doesn't matter if you use hairspray and a blowdryer or woodglue and egg whites. It doesn't matter if you listen to ska, melodic hardcore, classic punk, skatepunk, hardcore or anything else. Nobody cares if you drank a 40 in the alley before you went to a show and beat up some kid wearing a Good Charlotte shirt. Running around saying fuck the government and chanting "oi oi oi" doesn't mean anything. Just because you went out and bought a leather biker jacket, punched some studs into it and painted some band logos on it doesn't mean that you've changed your mindset and your way of life.

What people need to start realizing is that what matters is what goes on in your head and how you reflect that with your actions. Supporting small business, local music, challenging abuses of power and authority; this is what I believe makes up the subculture. These are only a few of the things that I believe fall into "punk."

Maybe I'm wrong with this. Call me a hypocrite, call me a poser, call me a fashion punk I don't care. I cut off my mohawk and now I dress "normal," but I still believe I'm far from it. I know that it wasn't the hair, the music, or even the people I was with that made me different. Maybe its being "free spirited," I don't know. But what I do know is that I don't do the things I do in order to conform to what other people want me to be. I do what I do because it makes me happy.

I realize I ranted a bit and this ended up being long winded and possibly redundant at times. But sometimes this helps to blow off steam. If you do or don't agree with me, or if you feel I missed some important points, leave a comment, let me know. I'd like to know what everyone else is thinking.

Views: 46

Comment by NeonLightning on June 3, 2009 at 9:13pm
makes perfect sense and i totally agree
its something that needs to be said and that will need to be said over and over for a long time to come and a long time passed
Comment by Spyda on August 12, 2009 at 3:46am
That was refreshing. I'm so goddamn sick of people saying you need to go break shit and be an all around asshole to be a punk.
Comment by Grayson on September 23, 2009 at 10:08pm
Thank You ElCuellorojo! You're a hundred percent right!
Comment by Shitfaced on October 9, 2009 at 12:42am
very right, but also being punk isnt caring what other people say about whats punk or not so in a way the break shit, asshole type of punks are also right
Comment by Dave-Edge on October 22, 2009 at 8:14pm
it doesn't matter about the music clothes or anything like that some people like myself wear them cause i wanna be different i dont care tho it's all ideals not clothes, music, or anything like that i've you've never heard of A//Political i suggest you check them out these are lyrics from there song stop thinking and pogo:

Chaos punx you worthless cunts
What the fuck do you stand for
You stupid shits you fucking dicks
You're just the system's whore

Cheapening our movement under the banner of chaos
Circling your As but the fucking point is lost
You've turned our movement into another fucking clique
A fashion ade of drunken idiots

Punk was once freedom from the binds of society
But you're just a bunch of puppets fooling nobody
Punk was a revolution for a social change
But now it's just a bunch of kids who look oh so strange

Fucking shit! Fuck that!
Fuck you, you spoiled brats!

You deam you're punk rock 'cause your tattoo says so
You act out your role in another pathetic show
You're undesirable casualties just another fucking nuisance
Just some old little kids fulfilling an illusion
The system created for you to play
Willingly and cheerfully I'm so punk rock you say

Well punk isn't based on how much beer you drink
How big is your hair or how much you stink
Whether you look punk as fuck or grey and dirty
Or how much of an asshole you can possibly be

Your outward apperance and snot nosed antics don't mean fuck
If you think there's worth in that you're shit out of luck

Punk is a revolution within itself
a revolution within our minds
An expression of anger
towards this hateful humynkind
Punk has no boundries
On class, age or race
or any other bigotries
Society creates

If we want punk to be a threat again
Not just by the fashion police
We must start to fucking think
And bring society to it's knees
(And fight for fucking anarchy & peace!)
Comment by Daniela Wolf's on November 1, 2009 at 3:14pm
I think you and I are of one opinion
Comment by Ryan 'Pigeon' Westwood on November 1, 2009 at 5:10pm
its the fact that 2 ppl i know who claim to be punk copy everything from one guy they as you would say bum him and thats not whats iots about its about being you and believing in something that can make a difference


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