Mohawks Rock

So... 22 years old...

Still livin' with the rents... none of the tats or piercin's I wanted to get, gotten... not doing contortion classes anymore... not at my dream school in the city... and still working part time on min wage...

Not really where i wanted to be at this point in life.

The plan was to get inta Columbia, move inta the city, get my tats, jog Mich Ave, start parkour and self defense training, buy the baby ball python I want, and get a paid internship/apprenticeship at some theater nearby. So far... not so much.

I'm only NOW just putting those plans into motion when I wanted to have been there already by now.

my current school offered me a job for the fall semester, and the possible chance to design the costumes for one of next years shows. The catch, gotta be taking at least two classes there. DEAL BREAKER. I took all the classes that I was interested in already, I am not driving TWO WHOLE GALLONS of gas 'round trip to get to classes that I don't want to take, just so I can earn half the gas money it would take to pay for these trips just for the vaguest CHANCE that they MIGHT let me design a whole freakin' play. It's time to move on. I missed the deadline to get into the Columbia fall semester, but I can still make the spring deadline (hopefully I will be excepted). In the meantime, I can finish up this semester at my two-year school, try for a summer internship, and upon my return from said internship (again hopeful it'll happen), I'll sign up for contortion again, maybe some other circus classes, get back to workin' and save enough ta road-trip it ta DragonCon!! WHOO!!


... Damn me and my big plans. Now I gotta make it happen!


Wish me well! :D

(oh and I'll try ta, y'know, stop by here more often and 'Hollah!')


EDIT: Is it weird that finding a significant other of some sort, is just sorta, not mentioned? I mean most people I know, want one, and a couple are all like, 'no, my career come above all'. For me it's just like not on the brain.

Maybe I'm defective. ;P

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