Mohawks Rock

So. First blog post. I wish I had something unbelievably epic, but. Nah xD not really. If you want the meaty stuff head to my xanga blog, the one I use regularly.

Mum pet the sides of me head today. She said, although it feels wicked, that to "Please please please" not shave it again. Not that she has a problem with it, she's just sick of hearing my dad bitch about it. Apparantly it's "immature", and I'm being "stupid". Although I have clearly stated that the only reason he thinks it's "dated" is because not many people have enough balls to wear a mohawk, nevermind FEMALES.

Just want to give huge kudos to the other chicks out there with hawks. You have dared to break social stigmas and suffered some sort of badgery for it. I'm not entirely used to having as many people stare at my head as I am now. The funny thing is, when I get yelled at I can barely understand what they're saying, as they usually only have enough ego to do it from a moving car XD

"FREAK..." ..."Kara, that dude just yelled at you." ..."Really? What'd he say?"

Half the time I'm not even sober enough to give a shit HAH. Fuckin' judgmental bastards. Like, I'm so glad you have taken the time out of your severely shortened life to make some comment at me. WOW. How did you survive this far?!

Anyway. I told dad he'd just have to get used to it, but I agreed to not shave it so short next time. That wasn't on purpose anyway XD had some miscommunications with the shaver and bam. Hello scalp. But now, since it's gonna grow out with natural colour that gives me some exciting dying possibilities ^-^ any suggestions? Gotta keep it darker cause I have to hide it on occasion, but yais. Thoroughly enjoying the hawk. Mostly it's seeing peoples true mindsets.

Dad: "Don't you care about what people think when they see you with hair like that?!"
Me: "No...and isn't that the point?"

Life goes on. Love my dad, but we're damn stubborn both of us XD comes with being Scottish. He'll eventually realize I'm not doing it because I'm "immature" or because it's a "phase" but rather because I've finally determined who I am and where I'm going. I change when I want to change and what I want to change, and never will I fit clearly into the boundries.

I'm not a punk. I'm not a goth. These are two terms I'm generally pegged with, besides retard kids who think everything and everyone is "emo". They literally will yell this at just about anyone. But yeah. I wear what I like. I like to mix it up, but I float between styles and mishmash them. Take what you like out of life. Create something that's you, and live for you only. I'm used to being criticized, in many ways in my life.

Trick is to not give a shit. And it amazes me the extent of the things people will obsess and get angry over.

Views: 58

Comment by Jesse Germs on July 6, 2009 at 10:41pm
You just blew my fuckin' mind.....! XD
Comment by SyKe on July 7, 2009 at 12:56pm
Lol yeah, it was the same statement for me actually besides a much needed confidence boost. People have lately said more things like "ohh you're rebelling...blah blah blah" but the thing is I'm really not rebelling XD if anything against unrealistic beauty expectations.

Ahh, fuckem
Comment by SyKe on July 7, 2009 at 3:29pm
Lol nothin wrong with it but its not why I did it, for the usual reasons of rebelling anyway I guess it still is rebelling against the norm
Comment by vinceK666 on November 1, 2010 at 4:52pm
"Just want to give huge kudos to the other chicks out there with hawks" AGREED.
Comment by 0deefreek on November 1, 2010 at 5:58pm
i really hate when people yell dumb shit from there car or when im skating minding my business...i live in the ghetto and sum people out here are pretty stupid.... forreal it is tough for a chick to rock a mohawk but atleast women have more choice when it comes to fashion period..n its true it is just frikken hair
Comment by Wolf Madchen on November 2, 2010 at 3:18pm
I love how "far our society' has come (note sarcasm) yet a female with short hair is automatically a lesbian. My mom said when I was 15, 'oh it's a phase honey.' Well it's 6 years later, and sorry mom, I'm still me.

But back on track, fuck yeah for females with the balls to scream fuck you to society without saying a word.
Comment by Cpt. Oblivious on November 2, 2010 at 3:22pm
Respect for the girly hawks, it's different and much less accepted than a mohawked guy. I guess most people just don't see how hot they can be.
Comment by Nemean Lion on November 3, 2010 at 9:06am
I wish my wife had a mowhawk,,,,but no dice,,,well I guess she cant being the fact she's a aba therapist,,lol I don't think that would be a good look to kids with autism,,lol


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