Mohawks Rock

I was asked by a friend why I had not posted something regarding September 11th, I advised them that although I knew it was a day to take pause and remember those who lost their lives in such a tragic and sadistic manner I did not feel I could fit my thoughts into 520 characters, so... after taking some time to really think about that day and what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it I think I have something that will be fitting.
I remember the morning of September 11, 2001 vividly, I had dropped my children off at school and returned home, I turned on the TV and began to watch Sports Center on ESPN when it was interrupted with breaking news, at first I was like what? Breaking news on ESPN that is not sports related WTF is going on? Then I saw the images and was, I think like most of us in shock, I picked up the phone to call my mom and ask if she watching what was happening and we talked about it for a few minutes, I then told her I would call her later as I was going to pick up Cody and Dylan and bring them home from school, it was at that moment that tower 1 collapsed, as I stood there watching these events unfold I told myself that I would never forget this day, this was my generations Pearl Harbor, a day that should never be forgotten and should stand as a reminder of the freedoms we enjoy and the sacrifices made by the many brave men and women to ensure we never lose these freedoms. I got in my car and went to the boys' school as many parents were doing, and when they got to the school office I gave them both great big hugs and told them that I loved them very much, now Cody and Dylan were both 10, they are same age for 6 weeks every year, I tried to explain to them what was happening as best I could and reassure them that everything would be OK. When we got back home, I had left the TV on, we all sat together watching these events unfold and we talked about it, both my boys stated that they wouldn't want to be the people who did this, because they were going to be in "BIG TROUBLE", I smiled and said you know you are probably right. It was at this moment that I felt that the best way to honor those who had lost their lives was to continue to try and make this day as normal as possible and show that no matter what Americans would not stop, we would not be scared or intimidated by this horrible act of violence. So I took out a movie, I do not remember exactly which one but I think it was Mulan, made something for all us to eat and we sat down and watched it as a family, we even managed to laugh.
Now 10 years later with my boys now young men, both my "kids" have watched just about every documentary about 9/11 known to man and although neither one can serve in the military due to medical conditions, they are doing their part to ensure that that day of tragedy is not forgotten, each in his own way, Dylan by studying every possible aspect of that day and analyzing it over and over again, remind anyone of someone? Cody, well he took pause to remember, and then he sat down and watched a movie. Because you see what those terrorist just do not understand is that America is something special, we cannot broken, we cannot be scared, we will continue on, we are kinda stubborn that way, we may argue amongst ourselves and have petty differences but when you pick on one of us you pick on all of us, and we will come to the defense of our brothers and sisters, NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!
We must never forget, but at the same time we must also continue on with our lives, because if we fail to do that we cannot honor those brave men and women and those responsible win.

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