relaxing is getting home after work having two of your best friends pop in for a quick hi, having a nice little smoke, taking off your all stars and thinking.. "shit this was one of the weirdest fucked up weekends ever..but it was bloody fun.." all my friends started fighting and breaking up with each other.. dramadramadrama.. then they all get back together again.. (this all while really drunk..) and for some reason i got pulled into most of the fights.. (and still drunk i manage to save all but one relationship.. would have been easier tho if she didn't break up with him because she liked me..) then after a few good parties gone terribly wrong.. i get owned by this psycho-emo in the parking lot cause i asked if she was ok.. karma.. you try to be nice and *BAM* you get slapped by a girl in public.. im not lying tho.. she was nuts.. a girl told me afterwards that this "Young-Adult" flipped out in one of her classes once launching punches at everyone within striking distance.. so i got off easy.. totally overslept and hit work spikes up.. now in my line of work.. with my kind of clients.. a hawk is a contract-killer, i had a beanie in my desk so unfortunately i still am employed.. joy.. enough random facts about me.. time to go wash my hair..
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