Mohawks Rock

Ah damnit...I knew it was coming...So, I got rehired at Six Flags: Great Adventure. That's great! I love working there, it's a lot of fun, and the pay's decent. The downside? Effin' "Appearance Guidelines" set by corporate. I'm usually like a lawyer when it comes to my hawk--I WILL find a loop-hole. But I checked and looked, and wow, there MUST have been someone before me that tried to get around it!

Thing is, even my supervisor, Aimee, wants me to keep it. So I asked if she could do something about it, maybe mention how my record last year was freakin' amazing, how I actually dicked around with the whole "corporate alligence" thing with Heinz ("...and remember! If it isn't isn't ketchup!") and all....but alas, even talking to the higher ups yielded no results. I even showed that by wearing the mandatory hat or pin [hat] that I look perfectly "normal" if it's not spiked up and tucked in.

So, I have until 3/06/08 to enjoy my hawk...that's the day of orientation. I feel like such a tool now, though...I mean, c'mon, my hair isn't even dyed this time around! I understand that it doesn't blend well with the whole park theme of a "daycation" but damnit, I always take precautions in situations where I know it could be a problem for some. For example, I'm on our town's volunteer First Aid squad. I always throw on a beanie to cover my hair before I even get into the rig. Why? Lets face it--the world isn't kind to anyone who deviates from the norm, and with good reason--on the whole, as people, we're usually fearful of the unknown or strange. People won't take the time to learn about me, or what I'm like--a first impression is all they need. And I DON'T need a geriatric patient thinking that I'm there to steal their drugs or money, etc.... It's a shame, really, but I do my part.

Still though...I think I should get a job elsewhere...I mean, yes, I REALLY like my job and the people I work with, but I hate having to sacrifice one thing for another. I mean, isn't a compromise easy to come to? Equal employers basing things off hairstyles....ridiculous...

C'est la vie, as they say. I think once I'm done with my hospital stay (my last hours are on the 26th I think?) I'll dye my hawk as a send off...

Views: 23

Comment by Nick on February 16, 2008 at 9:56pm
wowwww see if they will let you wear it down, i cant see why they wouldn't. I would seriously wear a wig to work if they had a problem with my hawk.
Comment by Rbiker666 on February 20, 2008 at 8:21am
i like Nicks Idea wear a short wig then you dont have to lose the hawk
Comment by Giant Mohawk Man on February 20, 2008 at 11:48am
Woody Woodpecker has a mohawk right? kinda...
Comment by Nick on February 20, 2008 at 12:53pm
eh its a neverending battle, people will always be scared of what they know little about.
Comment by Sarah on February 22, 2008 at 2:15am
:( I'm sad for you. Sounds like when I was talking to a co-worker of mine about cutting off my bangs a few years back (had bangs and near bald head) and I got into a heated argument with the general manager over it....He tried to tell me that I couldn't cut my hair that short...

Needless to say I threatened bringing a lawyer into it and sueing the owner (it was a fast food chain gig but still) and he pretty much backed off but made me wear a regular hat like the boys had to instead of a visor like the girls had to (such BS). I hate some employers.

Thus is why I am pleased that most call centers out here allow employees to keep their facial piercings in/loud hairstyles...they just frown on the "unnatural colors" Best of luck to you!
Comment by Nick on February 22, 2008 at 2:27am
Yeah its all pretty lame but you have to agree that corporations or pretty much any big company out there are conservative. I know when i was a lot younger, seeing some guy with a neon green mohawk, piercings and tatoos was pretty weird to me.

What does make me mad though is say if your at work and your wearing something casual or professional and your hair doesnt look to flashy but you have a mohawk, people still get stupid about it.
Comment by Sarah on February 22, 2008 at 2:33am
Yup. Its the whole throwing you into a catergory with other people who have the same thing as you in this case, a mohawk means you are like them. Whereas ya some might see a kid with a hawk as some punk kid, others who actually know the guy obviously view him differently I know I had that assumption in HS before I met Lewis (first person I met with a hawk) REALLY sweet guy and funny as hell. :( I wish people would just grow up and move past our appearances..whatever happened to just letting people live the way they please if its not hurting you or anyone else? *sigh*


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