Mohawks Rock

In two weeks, I will finally finish my Ph.D and of course with that comes the grand inquisition called the defense. Some of my closest peers will be there supporting me, but of course then there will be the institutionalized hacks called professors examining my work and tearing every page apart, all 151 pages of it. Should be the greatest 2 fucking hours of my life. It should be great, for my appearance is not conventional. I wear my plaid pants, mohawk, and leather jacket to all my class teachings, conferences, and even my dissertation. I have made quite a name for myself indeed.
And although I am happy this part of my life will finally come to end, I am slightly sad this moment is coming because no one from my family will be there supporting me. My parents essentially do not acknowledge my existance let alone my accomplishments. I have told my family that I will not accept a payed position with my degrees because I feel like it exploits people and turns me into an asshole. I have told them I will continue my minimum wage job regardless of my title, their disapproval, and what they call my "wasted potential". And still I feel horrible in some regard, but feel resolute in adhering to my principles. I think I need a beer, a joint, so fucking great music, and maybe I funny movie.

Views: 17

Comment by Giant Mohawk Man on October 29, 2008 at 6:20pm
Congratulations on getting so far along into your PhD. What is the degree you are getting and what is your dissertation about. I think its awesome that you continue your look, and only proves you are able to push on harder and further without conforming to suits.

Sad about your parents. Really sad. Wasted potential sounds like not being in your childrens life and understanding their positions and life choices. Obviously if you are getting a PhD you are not dumb or lazy. Will be interested to know how it turns out.

Just occured to me you should have an army of mohawk rockers there to support you. What university is this?
Comment by Bob on November 1, 2008 at 5:07pm
Good luck of the dense of your thesis. I'd also be interested in the subject.
I opted to do a thesis for my MS degree. Anticipating the 'inquisition' wasn't nearly as bad as the event itself....


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