Mohawks Rock

"FREAK"...I didn't realize this was 2nd grade.

I was walking my dog last weekend, and I heard a disembodied voice yelling "FREEEAAAAK" out of a passing car. It seems pretty childish to me that people are vocal about their aversions to people who are "different".

Despite knowing that this man/boy's intentions were probably malicious, it sort of made me laugh. Why yes, by golly goodness yes, I am in fact some sort of freak. Personally though, I find my dress and hobbies (both creative) by far more intriguing than some jock who obviously has nothing better to do than drive on the cracked streets of my town noisily defining (thus confining) people. It's ludicrous, and so naturally I started chuckling at this young man's preposterous display of idiocy (if thats a word). In the end, something that was probably intended to hurt me made my day. So freak that, sucka'!!!

Views: 52

Comment by Giant Mohawk Man on October 14, 2008 at 9:01am
Yeah, people who are so low on their emotional radar and Intellectual ability that find yealling "freak" out of a car or any other thing proving their insecurities... well yeah it makes me chuckle some, then feel bad for them a little then feel bad that I ever felt bad, and just hope their mom gives them a wet sloppy kiss and hug when they get home.
Comment by PoisonedByTheReligion on October 14, 2008 at 9:03am
I went out flyering my streets for an upcoming punk show the other night.. I had it worked out to once every 3 fliers I put up I would get some comment from a passing car or a group of wondering kids or bikers. FREAK!!! HEY FAG!!! GO CUT YOURSELF EMO!!!! (apparently punks are now considered emo to our virtually retarded peer group) I believe that these people generally can't get through their day without some sort of bigotry and see folks such as us as an easy target.
Comment by Kobalos on October 14, 2008 at 12:29pm
Well, I was once walking past a house and all I heard as I passed was some guy shouting 'Freak' repeatedly in a deep, rasping voice. Not sure if it was directed at me - but to be honest, these people shouting are unusual and rare, which makes them freaks too. :D

But it was funny for me too - just so weird they felt the compulsion to shout out to a stranger and that they didn't know that 'normal' people don't do that.
Comment by Protagonist on October 14, 2008 at 8:47pm
Well, I had a little girl like half my size call me a freak right to my face. That was... a little unnerving. I don't like children >.> I didn't know how to react, I could have probably done something mean like, stomp in her direction, or say something rude, but I didn't I just walked away. Looking back its freaking hilarious.
Comment by pissy prissy on October 15, 2008 at 12:17am
i hate it when people put a label on whats supposed to be "normal" fuudge!!!. just because a zebra has a different or missing stripe doesnt make him any different from the herd. people need to just stop judging others and fudge off! they dont like yer hawks we dont like their shaved heads, no need to fight over it,right?!
Comment by Skittles on October 15, 2008 at 12:42am
I was walking with my boyfriend one day (he had blonde hair down to his shoulders) and some
kid in a car, no more than ten years old, yelled "faggots" out the window as we passed.
The point is some people suck, but just remember that you have awesome hair
and they are sad little kiddies.
Comment by Becki on October 16, 2008 at 12:00pm
what i wonder is why do they change their voices when they call us freaks? it confuses me. once when i was walking through my town centre with my mum, we were walking down some steps and these chavs barged past us and when they were a level down they shouted freak at me....why? i quite blatetly saw who they were. they went from a normal voice to low and kinda pervy. i think their freaks, why talk to strangers in the street?


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