Mohawks Rock

All Blog Posts (538)

Zangief Terrorizing Super Mario

I guess video game mash-ups were on their way just a matter of time.

Can't believe someone insinuated this was me with a shorter mohawk. Well maybe I can.. Zangief has less mohawk, I have less… Continue

Added by Giant Mohawk Man on August 20, 2008 at 3:31pm — 1 Comment

Eager for some action

Gonna cut my hair this week or next. It will be my first attempt at a mohawk.

Generally, Minnesota is looked at as a democratic state. Im not generalizing, but democrats seem more "accepting" as far as social abnormalties like mohawks go. I live in the city of St.Cloud, pop. about 60,000+. It is one of the biggest cities around here. Im interested in seeing what the reactions of people will be when I walk in public. Even though we are considered a "democratic state" I somehow landed… Continue

Added by Matchstick on August 12, 2008 at 3:33am — 2 Comments

What product do you use to color your mohawk?

Tell me what product you use to color your mohawk if you color it something other than your natural hair color.

Let me know about what brand, color name, etc that you can tell me about this product. And let me know if you like this product, if it works well, or if it just doesn't stand up to it's name.

Also, what do use to keep your hair up, and how often do you put it up. And when it's up, how long does it stay up before the product wears… Continue

Added by Xeon Xai on August 2, 2008 at 9:22pm — 3 Comments

Baby Mohawk Techno

Just found this techno song with a little baby rocking a good looking mohawk. Guess thats the advantage of being a 3D cartoon character. I guess his name is Sid "Baby" Rock, but I don't know much more than that, but am interested to know if someone… Continue

Added by Giant Mohawk Man on July 31, 2008 at 9:35pm — 1 Comment

Mohawk A Ninja

Here is the video of Kent Nichols, co-creator of the immensely popular web episode comedy show called Ask A Ninja ( shaving his head into a mohawk.

It had something to do with Kevin Rose of setting a challenge out there. I still need to look into what the challenge was though. If you find out before I, leave a comment. Also, leave a comment on Kent's blog… Continue

Added by Giant Mohawk Man on July 29, 2008 at 12:00am — No Comments

I need to really modify my css so that it really fits my style.

I, over the next feel days, will modify my CSS for this thing so it's more suited to me style. As the default one, is really hard on the eyes, and any pre-configured one doesn't do me justice. Started modifying the VeeJay one, but still have a bit of work to do to make it truly me.

- Xeon

Added by Xeon Xai on July 24, 2008 at 12:09pm — 1 Comment

Brand new....

So pretty much I know this isnt going to be read by many but yea. This is my first time having a mohawk and I look alot better than I thought I would. Im so excited to show it off to my friends and family. I havnt tried to put it up yet cuz it's 12:05 am and it will take me awhile seeing how it's my first time. Well thats it.....pretty boring i know. later

Added by DeViL D on June 29, 2008 at 3:07am — No Comments

They Love Me For My Mohawk - The Mohawk Song

The Mohawk Song - by Future Stars and featuring the Olly Girls.

UPDATE: The Mohawk Song is now a proud member of, you can add them here. You can also add them on myspace here.

Just caught this song and some say it could be the summer hit…


Added by Giant Mohawk Man on June 23, 2008 at 8:00pm — No Comments

why do people get mohawks???

y do people get mohawks ??? like wer i work their r maby 20 or so people with them im walkin around town nd eevery wer i turn i c people with them.....but the thing is the only reASON THEY HAVE THEM IS AS A FASION STATMENT ND IT DOSE MY HEAD IN ...U SUDENT GET SUMTHING COS ITS IN FASION COS WAT I FASION ..ITS A LOAD OF CRAP THATS WAT IT IS ..Y CAINT PEOPLE JUST BE THEM SELF ND NOT DO WAT EVERY ONE ELSE IS DOING!!!"!"!"!!"!"!!!!!

Added by nathan palmer on June 21, 2008 at 10:38am — 8 Comments

i'm no good at blah blah

ok so i don't chat lots and my brain is kinda mushy from several years of sugar addiction, i forget stuff easily and am easily distracted by shiney things....hey that would explain why i'm

yesterday i accidentally stabbed myself in the hand whilst gardening,hit my fore head on a kitchen cabinet , and whilst trying to figure out where "that squeek " was coming from broke my bed!

sugar is evil stay away from it kids it'll mess you up for life.


Added by LittleMissFang on June 20, 2008 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

why is it sooo hard to.....

why is it so hare to drive a car with your mohawk up av u ever tried to drive one?? it dose your feckin head in..but its soooooo much fun its such a challange lol...

Added by nathan palmer on June 19, 2008 at 1:24pm — 5 Comments

So much hate!

I'm sooo tierd of all the hate in this world! There is to much unnecessary hate out there. Yeah, all hete is unnecessary but there is so much, you know´, stupid things thats shoulden't be hated. Take racism for an exemple: Yeah! We hate black people couse...they are black!!! Yes, thats a very good argument isn't?

Or for those who hate homosexuals when thiers only crime is to love each other.And don't come and tell me that God hates them couse in thet case he is not much of a God!

And… Continue

Added by Devotchka on June 18, 2008 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

Now or never!

Okej, this with the mohawk is a big dilemma for me. I have wanted a mohawk for almost two years now and I really really really want it! BUT! im afriad...not of what people in the street would think but what my mother would do when I come home with the haircut she fear ( seriously, she fear it!) Ive talk to her about it and she complitly freaked out!

I know, I know, probobly no ones mother is specialy happy when their son or douther comes home with a mohawk and mayby Im just the coward one… Continue

Added by Devotchka on June 17, 2008 at 2:28am — 5 Comments

Taking Mohawks One Step Further'

Added by Clint Casualty on June 12, 2008 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Announcing.. The Tall Street Journal.. Where its tall good.

Ever wonder about issues that face tall people? Perhaps you are one.

- The comments

- The clothes

- The cars

- Where do the sleep, shower, and do doorways hurt?

From the creative minds of

Where its tall good.

Remember when you wanted to be one of the first to join MySpace, well nows your second… Continue

Added by Giant Mohawk Man on June 12, 2008 at 12:44pm — 2 Comments

boriiiiNg A

i am Soooooo bored, *sigh*

some peeps and i went to the public library, and ya, nothing eciting is happin

there are aLoT of funny people tho, like my freinds lil' sister for instince, is sleeping on the library FLOOR!

its fuckin fuNNy, peoples walk by look down......... and stare, were like, shes had a rough day ya no?

then some chick lady walks up and is like "hey do you all wanna go to the front room and participate in some "activites"? and now my friend wants to go on a… Continue

Added by PiskyPixie on June 9, 2008 at 3:48pm — No Comments

The "anti-everything" or almost.

Not really, I mean I'm not -that- antisocial, but I'm close. I'm just not the social type. When people ask for a Myspace account so we can "chat" I have to say no, or say no because I've just recently had a stalker and I'm not comfortable engaging in on-line predatory behavior again. So they ask me; Facebook? No. AIM? No. After a while the "social inquiries" stop and you're left wondering what's the point of communication if people don't actually want to sit face to face and… Continue

Added by rat bastard on June 9, 2008 at 12:37am — 4 Comments

Apprenticeship update 003

It's been over two months now. And where am I at with the level of learning? Well, I'm now tattooing on some fruit. Just using the liner for the most part to practice line work and that. Nothing too fancy but it's a start for me. And I want to do some more. The machine is rather heavy when holding it for about ten minutes. I'm kinda surprised but at the same time I'm not. It's a real crazy tool to get used to. But I can't wait. More or less, I'm content. So go me on that! I guess that's about… Continue

Added by Nich on June 8, 2008 at 11:12am — 1 Comment

Holy Super Huge Mohawk Girl

Now that is impressive. The best part is that she is pre-school teacher in the day!!

Added by Giant Mohawk Man on June 5, 2008 at 9:24pm — 4 Comments

go on and laugh XD

i cannot believe the night ihad last night XD first off, i decided to hang out with a younger crowd, since i knew them since they were 7 and babysat them, i was lyke, "ok wotever"

One was 12, and her sister was 9, then some 5 year old was lyke, can i play (i get along great wif little kids, but doesnt mean i lyke them :D) and i said yeah yeah.

NEXT thing i know there diggin in the dirt throwin it at each other, i get attacked (AIIIE!! RUN… Continue

Added by PiskyPixie on May 23, 2008 at 9:17am — No Comments

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