Mohawks Rock

All Blog Posts (538)

i'm in love with you

and i don't even know your fucking name.

Added by leggo on October 21, 2008 at 8:15am — 1 Comment

Have You Ever Loved Someone so badly

I Have Only gone without my bf for a week and I am already thinking about him and if you miss someone as badly please [Comment Back]

Added by Da Wikkid Princess on October 19, 2008 at 1:00am — 2 Comments

Finally did it!

Just got my mohawk cut less than 2 hrs ago. Was my first time putting up a mohawk...EVER, tell me what you think!!!!


Added by Freaky_Ferret on October 14, 2008 at 8:50pm — 6 Comments

"FREAK"...I didn't realize this was 2nd grade.

I was walking my dog last weekend, and I heard a disembodied voice yelling "FREEEAAAAK" out of a passing car. It seems pretty childish to me that people are vocal about their aversions to people who are "different".

Despite knowing that this man/boy's intentions were probably malicious, it sort of made me laugh. Why yes, by golly goodness yes, I am in fact some sort of freak. Personally though, I find my dress and hobbies (both creative) by far more intriguing than some jock who… Continue

Added by Katarina on October 14, 2008 at 3:35am — 7 Comments

so its back

i woke up this morning and decided to shave my head.

now i got my 'hawk back and it sexy as fuck. i'll put up pics soon.

Added by the Undead on October 13, 2008 at 8:54pm — No Comments


Ok, so I went out to dinner with my parents tonight, which was a spectacle in itself with my dad not being able to pronounce any of the Spanish dishes and constantly asking me what this and that was and then getting so plastered off tequila he couldn't stand and walk out to the car. But! But..

After dinner my mom needed milk so I offered to run into the local grocery store on the way in. Now mind you, I'm pretty conservatively dressed today as I was just hanging about the house with no… Continue

Added by Erika Hysterica on October 4, 2008 at 7:50pm — 4 Comments

It's back!

well mates as of last night the hawk has finally returned to my head after a year and a half absence. i am a happy man. =)

Added by Gibby on October 4, 2008 at 1:20pm — 1 Comment

which looks better?

okay well idk why but latley i have felt really self conscious. not like me at all but i have been having people tell me i looke better when i had my long hair. i want you guys' honest opinion

long hair:…


Added by rachael on October 3, 2008 at 12:30am — 64 Comments

"How to" Dreadhawk ... Rasta-Punks FTW!!!

Hey everyone...this is my FIRST blog ever, basically. So bare with me.

This past summer I had dreaded my mohawk because I thought it was going to be SIIIICK looking and super easy to take care of. The SIIIIICK look was great, but it was definitely not easy for me. My hair is thin and pin straight...but don't be discouraged if you have hair like me!!! it IS possible, but it requires much more attention and time.

My hair was like 7 or 8 inches when I… Continue

Added by Brandon A on October 2, 2008 at 3:30pm — 23 Comments

getting the feet wet

thought id post a poem here that i haven't posted at hope folks enjoy. oh i spell things wrong so get used to it lol.


he put holes in his ears to hear the notes of zephyrs, follows the melody the winds melody down familiar cobblestone street onto beach front.

he paces the shore interpreting sand swirls and clustered shells, the language of waves. A scattering of shells reminds him of that night's constellations. he pulls a shell from mexico… Continue

Added by ducky on September 30, 2008 at 5:42pm — No Comments


I've decided that it's just too much 'hawk for me to handle. I'm gonna cut some length off.
I have no experience, so starting smaller is the best for me, I feel. Once I get better with it I can let it grow longer.

The proverbial "straw" was that it was too tall in my car - it hit the roof and then kinda bent over. I just can't have it that tall!

Added by lilithian on September 29, 2008 at 1:39pm — No Comments

My First Attempt

My hubby said it looked like crap...

I couldn't get it to fan well. And it kept trying to fall. And I could NOT get the back to stand up.

Too much product? Not enough?…


Added by lilithian on September 27, 2008 at 11:08am — 9 Comments


It's done. I snuck out from work to get a quick haircut from my stylist on my lunch hour.

My sides are nice and clean, and the 'hawk is thin enough that I should be able to put it up. Trimmed some length off it, too, so that should help.

So, cross your fingers that I'll be able to magically pull time out of my ass to put it up! *crosses fingers and toes*

*edit in*: I still have to do the tips red. That should be pretty easy, though and I might be able to do that… Continue

Added by lilithian on September 24, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Church of England Appoints Punk Priestess

I'm not too familiar with all the levels of the Church of England, but I do find it surprising and encouraging that they are accepting in a lager-drinking, self-described punk and Sex Pistols fan into the clergy.…


Added by Giant Mohawk Man on September 24, 2008 at 2:55pm — No Comments

It's Train Time

With autumn approaching, it's time to start on my much anticipated HO scale model railroad expansion. 1000 sq ft of table just isn't enough.

For those of you who don't know, I model an imaginary line between Berlin and Prague in the 1950s centered around the region of Silesia.. The topography is similar to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. My model world assumes that there was no iron curtain and communism fell along with Naziism after WWII.

My model railroad is home to… Continue

Added by Bob on September 14, 2008 at 7:34pm — 4 Comments

It's done... (started?)...

So, I made the cut... It took me about a month to get it done. It's hard to coordinate me, hubby, and baby. We ended up going to a friend's house so that they could watch the baby while he cut my hair. It took a lot longer than I planned because he's a bit of a perfectionist.

We just cut it wide and left all the length. I haven't tried to put it up yet. I'm thinking that I should cut it a little shorter and thinner before I try to put it up.

But, I think I'm gonna color it before I… Continue

Added by lilithian on September 4, 2008 at 12:31pm — No Comments

pretty damn happy

so yea pretty much im getting a phenominal job with my boyfriends mom at a tanning salon/hair studio, so that means my hawk will hopefully be back by the end of september or end of october at the latest WOOT. just need to get it long enough again so i can even everything out without haveing a super short hawk.

Added by Flea on August 31, 2008 at 7:23pm — 3 Comments

Motorcycle tests and the inability to memorise the Highway code

ok is there anyone in the UK out there who has any tips on what you need to know from the Highway code for a CBT/Motorbike license , because i've tried learning it and it falls outta my brain faster than a boy band song ...which is pretty bad as I have more chance remembering a WestLife tune than passing my bike test ...whoa is me :(

Added by LittleMissFang on August 29, 2008 at 1:41pm — 5 Comments

Triumphant Return and a little bit of zazz

So it's been a rather long time since I've been active here. It's nice to see that the community is growing. Who would have thought that this place would kick off so well? Kudos to all who came and those who are still here. It's definitely an awesome place.

Lets see... Where has life been as of late? Well, I have my third shift spot now that I wanted at my current money making job. I now work fork truck which means I've got the docks all to myself! It's rather awesome to not have to… Continue

Added by Nich on August 25, 2008 at 5:36pm — 4 Comments


I have done it! Now im a proud "owner" of a nice mohawk. It may not be the most good-looking one ( I was the first mohawk-case for a relatively unexperienced hairdresser) but I love it! I am so happy XD

Added by Devotchka on August 24, 2008 at 1:53pm — 2 Comments

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