Mohawks Rock

All Blog Posts (538)

8,000 Calorie Burger at The Heart Attack Grill

Wow! This is what is so right and so wrong about America. A restaurant with scantily clad nurses serving up extra large cokes, a french fry buffet and an 8000-calorie burger called the "Quadruple Bypass". The Heart Attack Grill rebels in the face of health, and makes no bones about it. Sign outside says,

"This restaurant is BAD for your… Continue

Added by Giant Mohawk Man on January 12, 2009 at 6:02pm — 32 Comments

Changed my mohawk about 2 days ago

i never blog so i dont really care how this turns out. but i had originally got my hair cut at a barbers and they completely did what i told them not to so i have resorted to self styling. i had originally had for about 3 months a mohawk that i called the "MoFauxHawk" because the idiots who cut it cut my like long hair to about 2 or 3 inches and i have a mohawk that was faux because it was too damn short. my hair also at that time was about 1/2" on the sides (clipped or buzzed whatever you… Continue

Added by TheEndOfAHero on January 11, 2009 at 3:11pm — 1 Comment

toke the morning away. i say if ya wanna do drugs replace em. start every mornin with a quart or 40 of brew....then the party starts...every fuckn mornin. my chick braded my hair last nite. Been thin…

toke the morning away. i say if ya wanna do drugs replace em. start every mornin with a quart or 40 of brew....then the party starts...every fuckn mornin. my chick braded my hair last nite. Been thinkin bout gettin a hawk but my hair is almost to my ass so if i do the hawk im gonna do it with a long assed tail. Plan on gettin another tat tonight

FTW Continue

Added by Toker on January 10, 2009 at 2:10pm — No Comments


So dear mohawk enthusiates (is that spelled right?), I am proud to announce that I am Alaska's first mohawked massage therapist!!! (not entirely sure about that but high probability that it is true) I am working at bodyMechanics LLC and I have had at least one client a day within the first week. None of my clients have had a problem with it and many say I have done a great job. Which is the way I should be judged, on my skills and abilities, not my hair. So HAHA FUCK YOU ALASKA CLUB!!! YOU JUST… Continue

Added by Adam, Mohawked LMT on January 9, 2009 at 10:36pm — 7 Comments

just realized

I have the only 'hawk in town.

Added by the Undead on January 9, 2009 at 12:33pm — 2 Comments

MohawksRock -- My Inspiration!


So, basically, a mohawk can seem like a rather dramatic haircut, especially to those squares who dare not have more than one layer in their hair, or have one side shorter than the other.

Myself, I have dreamed of having a mohawk through my last year of school, and in finally finishing, I'm advancing to having a mohawk of good standard.

BUT! Everyone around me are having such negative doubts about it. Usually, I couldn't give a shit about what the others thought, but for… Continue

Added by SkunkGrrrl on January 5, 2009 at 6:33am — 13 Comments

2009, RIP Peago, College, & a mohawk!

All right, brothers and sisters over the world wide web. Friends and enemies alike! What an amazing country we live in, with so many diversities. We've dreamt of peace. We've dreamt of togetherness and humanity. Now it is time to voice that however you can. Get it out there to whoever and however you can!

2009 has come and 2008 has gone, and unfortunatly Peago didn't make it through the night. RIP RATTIE. My first day of college is January 20th. And to boot, I just got a sweet… Continue

Added by Alyssa Nicole on January 3, 2009 at 7:26pm — No Comments


I got engaged mates!!!!!


Added by Gibby on January 1, 2009 at 9:00pm — 7 Comments

christmas day

Well I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas! Hope you all have a fantastic day!

Added by Gibby on December 25, 2008 at 3:33pm — 8 Comments

Do i look like a designated babysitter to adults or something?

...Wow. This blogging thing seems to be addicting. And it seems really pathetic of me. But hum ho bum, i'll do it anyways. So now apparently I'M the free-designated babysitter for neighborhood parents when they wanna get trashed. Is my social life so down the toilet bowl now that they automatically think i can watch there kids whenever. Well it is only 3 tween girls...but they are very loud and annoying. wow. come to think of it.....i am pathetic..oh. i think...i think i'm gunna go. i don't… Continue

Added by AkGirl on December 24, 2008 at 4:45am — 3 Comments

Like taking bricks to the face..

Ever had that horrible mood or feeling or just moment in life that it feels like everyone's having fun at your expense? God. This whole month has been like that for me. And it sucks. I can;t even begin on saying what i feel. And no ones gunna look at this so..i guess its fine to just say "nothing. im fine" adn to get over it. I just needed to say something. Sorry. Yep another pointless blog.

Added by AkGirl on December 23, 2008 at 1:18am — 3 Comments

3rd time lit on fire

k.. so here goes i was having a bon fire with some friends. we wer burning some dried weeds and wood but they didnt urn fast enough so.. we poored gas on it..i liked wat happened.. so i tried to do it... but theres a catch... i had the idea that if i help the gas cup just over the fire and blew realy hard that it would look like i was breathing fire.. i was terribly wrong.. instead the all the gas caught on fire including in the cup and i paniced and started shacking the cup like crasy..DUMBEST… Continue

Added by PuNX DoNt DiE on December 20, 2008 at 5:35am — 8 Comments

Taser Gun Effects

I just received this story of a man testing taser gun effects. I spruced it up with some images to real bring the effects of the story to life.

Taser Gun Effects

How one man tested taser gun effects.

Author: unknown (or hidden for protection)

Pocket Taser Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife.

Last weekend I saw something that sparked my interest. I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came across was a…


Added by Giant Mohawk Man on December 19, 2008 at 5:00pm — 9 Comments

It was fun, I have to admit

Hola, world of MohawksRock! It's your friendly tattoo apprentice Nich here to give you an update to what life's been throwing at me.

Well, as it stands I am now able to work on clients after nine months of hard work and a lot of cleaning and bitch work. I am very pleased at my results and hope that I only improve. I'm only allowed to work on small stuff but that's more than enough reason for me to get excited for the fact that I get to work on PEOPLE! Still have a long way to go but… Continue

Added by Nich on December 18, 2008 at 11:29pm — 5 Comments

The show went on!

Okay. Bolt Action Beaver, City in Ashes, THE LOST CONCEPT, (and another band that i couldn't understand the name of). SO the original concert i was gunna see canceled on us, so we were all pretty bummed but then The Downstairs decided that the show must go on. And they got a couple of other bands to show. Which was AWESOME!!! I'm really pumped from it. Haha. But the point of this blog was that: I GOT HUGGED BY THE DRUMMER OF THE LOST CONCEPT!! And alll thanks goes to my best friend ANNIKA!!!… Continue

Added by AkGirl on December 13, 2008 at 4:43am — No Comments

hair color

any one around indiana or mighagan know were to get some bright orange hair dye i went to meijer last night and all they had were like natural colors so yea any tips on places to look would be great

Added by Taylor on December 11, 2008 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

merry xmas song - punkie version


sing it!

on the first day on christmas

my true love sent to me

a bottle of PVA

on the second day of christmas

my true love sent to me

two pints of cider

and a bottle of PVA

on the third day of christmas

my true love sent to me

three Sham CD

two pints of cider

and a bottle of PVA

on the fourth day of christmas

my true love sent to me

four ripped tee's

three Sham… Continue

Added by Baccy on December 11, 2008 at 1:59pm — 1 Comment

Dun-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh CAT MAN!!

Full Article on

Stalking Cat, aka American computer repair man Dennis Avner, 50, is the world's 'most modified man' and has had surgery to create a feline cleft lip and a flat, upturned nose.

He has also had tiger stripes tattooed on his body and fixes synthetic whiskers to a piercing through… Continue

Added by Giant Mohawk Man on December 10, 2008 at 6:00pm — 5 Comments

Pissing In The Wind

This one is also on my player, i love thoughts and opinions!

V1 When we were young we had it all

And they told us to shoot for the moon

Those days are gone and now we fall

All our hopes and dreams all gone too soon

CH So here we are, our faces in our hands once again

All of our efforts in vain, we're pissing in the wind

V2 Now you say you wanna walk out of my life

And darling, i don't seem to care

A man can only apologize so… Continue

Added by Josh on December 7, 2008 at 5:42am — 1 Comment

Sticks N' Stones

This one's also on my player...

V1 There are times in my life i've been beaten

I've been kicked been battered and bruised

Times I've been cheated, at times mistreated

And times where i've been used

But there comes a time where we all define

These other times and there's no polite words for you!

CH So call me a bastard and a heartless backstabber

I hope that this message reaches you well

Up yours! I'll see you in hell!

V2 You… Continue

Added by Josh on December 7, 2008 at 5:37am — No Comments

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