Mohawks Rock

All Blog Posts (538)

Damn you, Evolution!

Dear, Evolution

Why is it that you decided to make our cranial cavities larger by sacrificing the size of our mandibles and maxillas, yet you still give 66% of us third molars, where 33% of which do not fit properly in the lessen sized jaws? I mean, did you really need to make our cranial cavity larger? For what? A larger brain? We only use ~10% of our current ones, making it larger is just a waste of resources, and hell, couldn't you have just made the entire skull larger instead?… Continue

Added by Herb ☭ on February 8, 2009 at 12:13am — 6 Comments

First Blog

Heya i dont do much blogging lol but anyway just updated some things added a daggy photo without my mowhawk up.... will add more stuff later gotta go visit my mum in brayside and go to the markets woot..

I love mohawks seen a few people with them over the years never thought i would get one though!

Decided to do one when i went to a bullet for my valentine concert wasnt the best as im just mucking around it fell by the end of the night hahaha...

Will be experimenting more… Continue

Added by ChArMs on February 6, 2009 at 10:38pm — No Comments

Going 8000 thousand to.....

Traveling 8000 miles to see my love it sounds fun.....

Added by Cannnibal Kreep on February 6, 2009 at 7:20pm — 2 Comments

Social Media's Butterfly Effect

Just read this the other day at

The article drifted some but this particular quote struck at home.

The next time you sit down for “just five minutes” in social media, make a point to lift up another person. You don’t need to attempt profound conversations on deep subjects at every turn. Just try to stay open to the signals we all give when discouragement, loneliness, and fatigue set in.

Think about… Continue

Added by Giant Mohawk Man on February 6, 2009 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

waaaaiting for the wig.

yup, this wig:

'why?' you ask ... or don't .....

well i'll tell ya anyway. my boss would die of a heart attck if i came in to work with a 'hawk, i will not let that stop me however!! also, this way i can dye my hair any fucking colour and not get in trouble cuz look ^ !! there's a wig!!

i had wanted to do it saturday (tomorrow) but without the wig and without knowing when the wig will arrive, i'm a bit stuck... so… Continue

Added by Bedlam on February 6, 2009 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Any one got a tattoo idea for ME!

I've wanted to do 2 things before i croak. Punch keanu Reeves in a mosh pit and get a tattoo. Now its time to get a tattoo . Sugjestions or pictures sent in will be judged as i get drunk.


Added by Bro0OklyNicK on February 6, 2009 at 9:47am — No Comments

Bitch wants a battle, i'll GIVE 'er a fuckin' battle!

i told Ron and Hat that i'm gettin a 'hawk. i gave Hat a choice of seein' me pre or post hawk when he comes to town. i know i'm gettin one so it's not like i'm scrambling for it to happen already. does that make sense: i'm not in a hurry because i know that it will happen? anyway, so i figured to offer him a choice since he lives outta state and we may not even see him after this until October or something crazy like that. he said post, but take pictures beforehand, and if it looks aweful i can… Continue

Added by Bedlam on February 4, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

totally ffucked up....hell yea

hhad a great ffuckn nite.....went to a bar with a few buds....within a hour...start talkin to this chick an shes tellin me bout her piercings an ink...asking me about mine.....start tellin me bout her dude...his ink an metal...before long shes tellin me about his arrests B an E, DUI an almost sounded like me. Im totally fucked turns out he worked there as a cook...he comes out...a few times sees me talkn to his chick....pierced lobes at an inch like me spetum an other… Continue

Added by Toker on February 4, 2009 at 9:26am — No Comments


tryed to cook a steak in the microwave

Added by Jo$H Gaddi$ on February 3, 2009 at 8:17pm — No Comments

i refuse to sell out to "the man" (does this bother you as much as it does me?)

i feel a bit disturbed recently....

i was talking to Tom (co-worker) about how his hair cut thinned out in the back and looked like it could pass for a short mohawk from the behind. he mentioned that he actually used to have a 'hawk. he said he cut it off when he was looking for work. i'm not sure if i can detail how it irks me, but it does. severely. i already knew that he was a bit into punk music, but as i get to know more about him, he was REALLY fuckin' punk. he had a bunch of… Continue

Added by Bedlam on February 3, 2009 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

burnt punk pie

i burnt my hand to shit.. in the SAME EXCAT PLACE AS LAST TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Added by PuNX DoNt DiE on February 2, 2009 at 10:54pm — No Comments

Steeling Love

So hallow are those dripped within life unknown to those it attacks lost in this world never seeing life a again my dreams are not just mere thought but are my life, Were we are known to kill not to be driven out and killed on galloews hill..

Added by Cannnibal Kreep on February 2, 2009 at 1:25am — No Comments

'Hawk Reactions:

Haha. So, finally, today i got myself a 'hawk. Of course after sitting in the chair calling my parnets so just to make sure the place could cut it *rolls eyes*. Anyways. As soon as i walked out of the place i got 2 weirded-out stares. Then after i went down to Arby's a 40-something year old guy turned around and just stared at me, then finally said 'i LOVE your hair'. After that he wheeled his father off. Then when i was walking, two chicks were conversing infront of me but when they turned… Continue

Added by AkGirl on January 25, 2009 at 12:08am — 1 Comment

Blue Hawk!

So, I'm dyin' my hawk blue on Saturday! Huzzah!


It's blue now!! Took five hours cause my hair's so dark and took foreeeeevvveeeeerrr to bleach, but it's finally blue!

Added by Gibby on January 24, 2009 at 5:10pm — 2 Comments

well ... that was interesting ... (inauguration)

first off: Happy Inauguration/Camcorder/National-cheese-lovers/National-disc-jockey/Rid-the-world-or-fad-diets-and-gimmicks Day!! found this calendar that tells the events for each day and month.

the month of January is:

Book Blitz Month

California Dried Plum Digestive Health Month

Family Fit Lifestyle Month

Fiber Focus Month

Financial Wellness Month

Get Organized Month

International Change Your Stars Month

International Creativity… Continue

Added by Bedlam on January 20, 2009 at 4:28pm — 2 Comments

Broken laptops and stupid roommates

So my laptop is broken and my best friend Mark is lazy. :-( This is always happens to me...
I got some new pictures when I get over to my parents I need to upload, look for them, favorite them, love them. :-)

Added by Lestat on January 17, 2009 at 5:48pm — No Comments

earlobe sex.

it's snowing like fuck out and my car is NOT meant for this weather. it's supposed to be wicked cold tonight. suck. i don't wanta go to work tomorrow.

gauging my ears again. i forgot how sore it makes my left ear. these ones are glass though, all classy 'n shit. it's funny, but whenever i put them in all i can think is 'big man meets little virgin'. sex in my ear lobe. anybody got some brain-soap? my mind is pretty filthy.

actually if i think about it my ears were already… Continue

Added by Bedlam on January 15, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments

Me and alanah arcells carzy tab blog! FUCKING READ

Dont read this . : Dear chickenfishes and all chickenfishes alike, even though there is only one .

Posted April 20, 2008 . 04:20 PM

to the one deep thoughts of this chickenfish. we do not know haow you do shit.

but you do, and it freaks us out, so stop it, or dont, or we wouldnt know what to do. we will eat your familys dead sunflower carasses, and inject them with heroin, as britian goes to war, with our robots, that have little rats inside there heads, and… Continue

Added by Tinaa Birt on January 14, 2009 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

I'm a Knox mascot!

I was at work the other day and I noticed something while surfing the internet. During a conversation with a coworker about my mohawk and how I get it up, I brought up a Google search for Knox Gelatine.

Check it out!

I think that's pretty badass.

My hair is currently RED and chin-length. I keep forgetting about… Continue

Added by Joseph Russell on January 14, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

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