Thinking about rocking it sometime, Just like watching others rock them
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About Me:
I'm Chris from Germany. I'm looking very normally atm, but from now on I will look like (a little) crazy ('cause inside I'm crazy too). :] I was so shy and unimpressive long enough!!!
gasp! *does little dance* that's awesomely fantastic!! :D
At 10:58am on February 18, 2009, Alec Shithawk said…
Nope, not my nose luckily!
Silent Hill is sick.When the movie first came out my best friend and I went to it and screamed pretty much the whole time :P
I've been trying to go see the new Friday The 13th movie all weekend but it's sold out! Which sucks.Hmmm watched alot ot FT13 movies on Friday cause I'm a horror fanatic !
Saturday was a little out of hand.Went downtown with some friends and ended up broken noses and blood everywhere,but that's what happens when you hang out with sketch bags.. It was a good time all the same.That's about it, very low amount of sleep and a lot of coffee!!!
Na also, da hast du ja schon ordentliche klamotten! fehlt nur doch der iro! und kauf dir noch ein paar stahlkappen boots, die passen auch gut dazu! Delete Comment Na also, da hast du ja schon ordentliche klamotten! fehlt nur doch der iro! und kauf dir noch ein paar stahlkappen boots, die passen auch gut dazu!
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Silent Hill is sick.When the movie first came out my best friend and I went to it and screamed pretty much the whole time :P
Saturday was a little out of hand.Went downtown with some friends and ended up broken noses and blood everywhere,but that's what happens when you hang out with sketch bags.. It was a good time all the same.That's about it, very low amount of sleep and a lot of coffee!!!
what are you up too?
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