Anyone else left home before 18 and slept in the woods for a few nights? Gong to be me for awhile. Share your stories! Continue
Started Sep 29, 2013
The idea of punk is to not give a damn what people think of you, speak your mind, and defy authority, correct? This stereotype of "punk" has left all semi-intelligent people to lay waste to their…Continue
Tags: minimum wage, school, Intelligence, punk, Stereotypical Stupidity
Started Jun 10, 2013
I don't know about the rest of you, but I often find myself contemplating the pros and cons of modern technology and the Internet. I've come to discover that the internet brings people together from…Continue
Tags: Media, Knowledge, Opinion, Debate, Internet
Started this discussion. Last reply by Kobalos Sep 7, 2013.
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Happy B-Day! :-)
Happy B-Day 2015!:-)
Happy B-Day Sick.......are ya rockin a B-Day hawk today??:-)
I hear ya! We have had record amounts of snow here, and still getting minus 20C at nights! Like WTF is up with that?? Summer is gonna be short here this year! :-(
I am ready for summer about a day after it turns minus 1 The older I get, the more I hate winter. :-(
Nice pic! Glad to see someone else gets ice where they live. :-)
University is alright. Changed to a major in history, going to dabble a bit more to find a minor. Probably going to try Polysci and Anthropology. Extremely sick right now, feel like I'm dying. Still trudging through, as work and school gotta come before being ill and a social life. Thanks for the message though, good to see someone is interested in my humble life of disarray. :P How about yourself, how are you doing?
Majors in Liberal science and English, with a minor in History, getting a BA, then a diploma for teaching, So I will be a highschool teacher by day, rock star by night.
Fully graduated highschool last week, I start my university degree in September. In the mean time, I'm working my god damn ass off to pay for my University so I won't have to be too far in debt :P
Hey, what happened to your old account? It's still lingering around. Either way, it's been awhile, what are you up to?