Mohawks Rock

Lola Grass
  • Female
  • Lima
  • Peru
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make up tips???
13 Replies

i just got my first mohawk and oh my god is so lovely!!!! i thought was ging to be a big rejection but i couldnt care less, unstead evrybody keep saying how hot it is.... now i would like to know…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Shanna Henson Feb 21, 2011.

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Mohawk Status:
Rocking now, Just like watching others rock them
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About Me:
i love mohawks!.. finally got the balls to get one!
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looking for tips about how to style my mohawk

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 7:33am on April 19, 2013, DantheHawkMan said…

Happy B-Day Lola! 

At 1:13pm on December 22, 2010, Sekhmet said…
Aw, that sucks you  had to get rid of it... Yeah I have really thick hair so even when it's shaved on the sides and I have it down you can't tell
At 8:39pm on February 2, 2010, Mohawk Kellye said…
You must not mosh... Cuz if you did that corset piercing thing would prally be ripped outta yer back!
At 4:38pm on January 22, 2010, black_widow_66 said…
Hola! eres de Peru,no? Me encanta los piercings que tienes en la espalda - que valiente! te dolieron mucho? Bonita cresta también :)
Qué tal todo?
At 12:46pm on December 3, 2009, Ezekielpoop said…
I know.. i woke up to it.
stupid people always speed around our corner and never pay attention.
At 10:27pm on November 23, 2009, H said…
Lola darling,
How are you & how was your w.end? Thank you for your email address, please bear with me while i get round to sending you my pic-i have never done it before so may take a while. I would love to see your pics too? They sound interesting and yes what a great experiance. Was suprised when you said 'big' women, because i didn't think you looked 'big' at all. I do think it is a good idea though, it's sad that it has to be unusual to see. Sometimes i feel you just can't win being a woman, too big, too small, too real, too fake-it never ends!
Hannah Grace
p.s would love to be friends but when i try to do this i don't know if it's working?
At 6:58pm on November 20, 2009, H said…
Lola, Lola, Lola,
How are you? Thank you for your comment. I think a curly mohican would really suit you-you look like you have naturally curly hair? I love the braided hawk look and that has a little curl coming down the back-very sweet. Love all your pics, my favourite one is the Abril one where your stood at a bar. Love the fringe with the spikes, theres prob a name for it. My ex boyfriend is a photographer and took most of my pics, he was married to a woman fom Peru and LOVED your country. He used real film in an old camera and altough i like digital i think real film has a depth that new doen't. One he took was of me in the sea in Limnos, Greece and i look a bit like a mermaid, evan my feet under the water look a bit like a fin and he alway's called me a siron! I take it from your page design you like mermaids/sirons? So i would like to send you that pic of me, can i do it privatly to you?(I'm new to internet) I don't want it on my page and main page coz i'm naked, don't worry it's not explicit!
Hannah Grace
At 8:35pm on November 19, 2009, 6loomyb3ats said…
Hi Lola, I am quite happy about the goth parties where I live. The girls wear everything a boy can dream about and some of the boys do the same, including me. I have made my own leather bondage pants and different T-shirts for the parties as well as accessories like a chain collar and PVC "finger sleeves". I really dig the black and metal look! (some pics of this to follow soon)
I totally love the deathhawks, but will probably never have one myself. I am not patient enough to care for long hair. My short hawk takes only about 5-10 minutes in the morning, and that's why I have put it up most of the year now.
All my T-shirt printing was with a kind of stencils. For the roundabout sign I printed on adhesive paper and cut the lines out. Work is a lot easier when the stencil is fixed and the paint can not get on the backside. I 'd like to try serigraph for finer designs or to make a number of the same shirt, but first I try the simpler methods to see how far these work.
At 3:55pm on November 19, 2009, arie said…
hiya lola! you are so sweet - thanks for your kind words! my daughter likes the hawk, she still can't believe i put it up sometimes! my hubby and boys are cool with it too, it's just me (only louder)! you look fabulous with yours... kudos for getting it! dontcha feel empowered? i know i do with mine! your pics make me smile!


and in case you didn't know... there are naked ladies and a fish head on your page... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahha!!!
At 11:06pm on November 10, 2009, Indigo-Fox said…
your GOREgous as well hun ;)

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