The most obvious place to add widgets, videos, photo slideshows, or text links is in the Text Box feature.
The Text Box also shows up by default on your member profile page.
Both the Text Box and Comments box support some HTML (see definition below) and can be easily used to add text links to sites off your network, display a video from YouTube , or add a photo slideshow from Slide.
HTML that can be used in text fields on your network:
<a href="">This makes a link</a>
<p>This makes a paragraph break</p>
This makes a line break
<strong>This makes something bold</strong>
<em>This makes something italic</em>
<u>This underlines something</u>
<strike>This adds a strikesthrough</strike>
<img src="yourimagehere.jpg"/> This adds an image
<embed allowscriptaccess="never"/> or <object> tags
are what you can use to display videos, photo slideshows,
and more.
How do I put photos into a text box or comment box?
If you're using a browser like Firefox or Internet Explorer, you'll see an image upload icon above every text box. Click that and upload your photo.
For comment boxes its a little different as there is no image upload icon. First grab the URL of the image wherever it is on the internet (right-click the image, go to properties, and copy the URL) Next insert that into the comment box with <IMG> tags like this: <IMG src=""> Your image will now show up when you save your comment.
Most widget providers will give you 'embeddable' code for their widgets. All you need to do is insert the code into a text box or comment box and click the save button. Here are a few great widgets to try.
Last updated by Giant Mohawk Man Aug 28, 2008.
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