I'm in the band Youth Riot (a local florida punk band). and i also co-own ECP Clothing
any-fuckin-thing else ya wanna know, just ask.
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (uncountable)-
The fear of long words, ironically. It is literally the hippopotamus- and monster-related fear of very long words.
Ben is a sufferer of a mild form of hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
Good luck with the band, but can you please not post in threads/groups that aren't related to bands? (e.g. The Travelling Shirt group and a thread about Rants/Advice).
nING's automatic spam detector is likely to suspend your profile, which will hide it and all your content/posts. It's risky even doing a couple comments with links in them too quickly.
Thanks, and I wish you and your band all the best.
May 21, 2010
Nov 3, 2010
Good luck with the band, but can you please not post in threads/groups that aren't related to bands? (e.g. The Travelling Shirt group and a thread about Rants/Advice).
nING's automatic spam detector is likely to suspend your profile, which will hide it and all your content/posts. It's risky even doing a couple comments with links in them too quickly.
Thanks, and I wish you and your band all the best.
Dec 30, 2011