hard rocker


Ypsilanti, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Mohawk Status:
Rocking now, Rocked in the past
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Comment Wall:

  • Toker

    fuckn a man...welcome dude
  • Khaos

    Welcome aboard!!
  • Juliya De Santa

  • Judson Scott Lewis


    Got some pics up I see. Sweet. You thinking about doing a bihawk too?
  • Ghetto Gutter Shock.

    Thanx for the request....whats up in your neck of the woods...hope its clean!
  • Rismakill

    thanks for the add...
    greeting from Bandung :)
  • Rowan Lennard

    :] thankss. i only cut it this morning :] well... my mum cut it XD im quite proud of her, and absolutely loveee my new hawk <3

  • Rowan Lennard

    yeahh, i blatantly have the coolest mum ever :] now to persuade her to get one herself...
  • Kino

    I'm a sideshow performer... I eat fire, walk on glass, stick body parts in animal traps, escape from straitjackets and chains, bed of nails, blockhead, and much much more.
  • Charlie Flores

  • Charlie Flores

    hows it going?
  • Giant Mohawk Man

    Welcome to Mohawks Rock Hard Rocker and thanks for the add. I don't have many ties to Michigan except that somehow I randomly ended up being a die hard Detroit Lions fan, growing up a 1000 miles from any NFL town. Funny how random mistakes when you are 10 can cause years of frustration.
  • Sarai Marie

  • Jenni D.

    np :)
  • Jenni D.

    yeah, kids are pretty awesome, got me some budding artists/musicians haha my mom keeps teasing me that they'll be all straight laced and conservative to rebel down the road
  • Jenni D.

    too true, I can't imagine my kids being "normal" I think they'll be pleasantly quirky, haha
  • Jenni D.

    true :)
  • danielle denning

    good, you?
  • vinceK666

    fine thanks :) I´m just so anxious, our summertour starts to day and I´ve been waiting for these gigs almost half a year :D I play in a band called The Freza, you can check our websites www.thefreza.com if you want to. We play something between rock ounk and pop, I don´t really know which genre we are. how are u?
  • Sarai Marie

    HEWO! not much. yourself?
  • danielle denning

    i plan to do so, i heard it's really painful though
  • danielle denning

    yeah, it has been one of my favorite piercings for a few years now. ah man, well, i think i'll just have to live with that pain. a friend and i figured it would be the best looking piercing for me sine my eye brows are so light i can not really say an eyebrow ring would look good.

    i still gotta wait until im eighteen though.
  • Sarai Marie

    that sounds pretty badass. doin about the same shit. lol hows life, sport? lol
  • vinceK666

    thanks! :D does your band have websites or myspace or anything where I could listen your songs or something ?
  • danielle denning

    thats really awesome. yeah, my job doesnt really care how i look which i find really cool considering most places in corvallis dont want to hire a girl with a mohawk. i'm sixteen..so two years.
  • danielle denning

    yeah, i promised my self i wasn't going to take a job that made me cut my hair or change my looks. i'd rather have no job than dress to please people.
  • Sarai Marie

    i like to draw, paint, write stories, poetry, read, music, sing, chill will friends, drink and smoke that good ganga babeh! XD how about you?
  • Blasphema

    ello! thanx for the add, sorry it took me so long, :)
  • vinceK666

    just around finland, we´ve got 22 gigs this summer :)
  • vinceK666

    well yea it´s fun :) finns aren´t that biased and many people hear about freza the first time just on some gig, it´s cool. people in finland are really supportive and great audience :D
  • Sarai Marie

    thats pretty awesome :)
  • Sarai Marie

    no problem! lol and it goes fucking great! :D how about yourself, sir?? :D
  • danielle denning

    pretty good, how are you?
  • vinceK666

    it was great :D I just came back from touring, we had five gigs in a week, and I´m so exhausted, but it was a lot of fun :))
  • danielle denning

    oh well it went pretty well i got a job making leather shoes with a ton of acid trippin' hippies ha. i work the night shift with a few and sometimes they have acid flash backs and freak the fuck out lol. im surprised you remembered that...
  • Sarai Marie

    hahaha well thats good to hear. lol whats new with your life?
  • danielle denning

    yeah its fuckin crazy pretty cool though, the shoes are like all hand made so i have huge blisters all the time haha. how is your life goin'?
  • vinceK666

    oh cool, you have a gig on december? :D is it a big place? though that never means anything, I mean smaller places might have better feeling ..
  • danielle denning

    yeah they get real expensive but its called soft star shoes not exactly my kinda shoe they are moccasins and boots and slippers. oh thats pretty cool, i suck with computers myself hah
  • Sarai Marie

    how very true lol i've just been chillin out with people recently and being retardedly high a lot. lol its awesome XD
  • DJ TRoLL

    I bet you listen to music by some of the people I've interviewed! I'm a rock journalist. Let's be friends!
  • vinceK666

    bars are usually the best places to throw gigs :D now we´re taking break from touring, I just finished recording drums on studio so now we´re just focusing on the coming album. Yeah I know, booking gigs is a complete nightmare, especially when there´s no one to do it :( if it depended on me, I´d always be on tour :D
  • DJ TRoLL

    Sweet. Fangs for tha add!
  • vinceK666

    yeah the age-thing is complicated :S now everyone of our band (except the keyboard-player who´s seventeen) is eighteen, so throwing gigs in bars has been easier. I´ll inform you if me or anyone I know needs a website :) touring is so cool. but we have usually three or four days break, so it´s not so called "all-time tour", we´re going back to home between the gigs, but we had a lot of gigs this year. We had 28 gigs from May to September :D
  • Sarai Marie

    i understand. yeah, drugs have fucked me over at times but its still fun so i dont really care lol. i live in the moment
  • Toker

    dude pierced an inked punk here to man...FTW. dude we should talk bro...whats ya number man...maybe chug a few
  • Sarai Marie

    im all about drugs XD i think to truly live in the moment, (much like the movie yes man XD) you have to start saying yes to things and leave your comfort zone a bit, in order to take in all possibility and doing crazy things. thats how you stay young :)
  • Sarai Marie

    lol that speach belongs in a greeting card. lol how much thought do you put into these comments? lol your making me look stupid! XD
    sir, you have made your point. you win. lol i have nothing clever to say about drugs. they are bad and arent good for you, but i do them anyway, cuz it helps me with stress and shit, which is a horrible excuse, but i enjoy it. its fun and shit. dont get me wrong, i do have a lot of fun when im sober too though. lol