

Hermiston, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Mohawk Status:
Rocked in the past, Thinking about rocking it sometime, Just like watching others rock them
Relationship Status:
About Me:
I like poking squishy stuff with sticks and rolling on the ground.

I problably named alot of these bands more then once. but who fucking cares:|

markey and the speed kings, panic at the disco, rancid, NOFX, the ejected, dead kennedy's, blink 182, my chemical romance, scooter. tiesto, caffeine, basshunter, anti flag, child bite, black lips the class assassins outl4w black flag, the casualties, the protest total chaos, blagger ita, the oi strs,street dogs, circle jerks, beck, cockney rejects, acid bath, english dogs, mission of burma, kaos urbano chaotic dischord, T.S.O.L., chaos UK, black flag, bomb the streets, cheap escape, acid reflex bad religion, minor threat, crass, millions of dead cops, bad brains, leftover crack, the exploited, the buzzcocks, the distillers, mustard plug, sublime, chiodos, escape the fate, aus-rotten, tokio hotel, wu tang, eazy e, beck, the germs, five iron frenzy, lower class brats, oi polloi, the rabble, GBH, the unseen, dropkick murphy's, agent orange, social distortion, the adolecents. agnostic front, angelic upstarts, anti nowher league, anti pasti, the browns, the bouncing soul's, capatalist casualties, dead milkmen, skeptix, infa riot, the ghouls, the fallen, assorted jelly bean's, rubber city rebbles,catholic discipline. retching red's, the twats, UK subs, the devil wears prada, emmure, fear before the march of flames, the sounds, chiodos, preschool tea party massacre, augest burns red, public enemy, arsonist get all the girls,Reagan Youth, the russians,cradle of filth, behemoth, daft punk, slipknot, anthrax, red hot chili peppers, kiss, van halen, total bloody chaos, the parasians, toxic narcotic, Dreadful children, 800 octane, stupid in stereo, control disorder, better off naked, The Toy dolls verbal abuse, chaotic alliance. blunt force trauma, husker du, the mighty mighty bostones, charles bronson, spitboy, crustina aguilera, ACxDC, warcollapse, nasuea, thulsa doom, Krush,
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
6,2 without and about 6,8 with it
How did you find MohawksRock.com

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  • crack rock steady

    i need yer name to ship the patch.
  • tanzmetall

    lol your a turd
  • crack rock steady

    haha yeah its creepier feeling like a rapist though lol
  • crack rock steady

    ill ship it tomorow
  • arie

    dude,you are right... it IS just a hairstyle!
    that 'mohawks ethics' guy is a tool!!! hahahahahahahahahaha
  • crack rock steady

    nice, its pretty easy to make them if you wanna know
  • crack rock steady

    check the chat
  • crack rock steady

    ok, youll have to get freezer paper, acryilic paint, one of those small paint roller things, a exacto knife, and the material, i got the material at walmart,

    so once you have that go to stencilpunks.org and print out a stencil, then tape the freezer paper over the paper with the stencil on it and make sure the side with the wax is facing down, then cut out the stencil on the freezer paper.
    after that i iron the freezer paper onto the material it makes it much easier so it doesnt slide around when you paint it. then just roll the paint top.
    wait allitle for it to dry i might get a little annoying at some points to take off the freezer paper but just like use pliers to pull small pieces that break off and are stuck on the material.
    after you can use like a sharpie or somthing to touch it up.

    There you go :)
  • tanzmetall

    i donnt have you :S
    thats totally weird, maybe i deleted you by accident
    re-add me x}
  • Spikey

    Hello to you too.yeah i wrote some of those parts on mypage when I was kinda pissed at different people at the time.In the judging part I was talking about I don't tell people that they'er not punk or punk enough or anything like that.And for the hippty hop ganster kids they never liked me,and I never liked them the ones I known any way, and I still don't like the hip hop gansters assholes too.I've had many fights with those assholes,they make life miserable for everybody over really stupid things if you ask me or anybody where I live.Usually when I do stuff when i'm pissed it doesn't come out right,but thats what I was talking about.Thats the best answer I got for you.Please don't ask me another question having to explain myself.Not unless you want to read another longass comment.
  • Ezekielpoop

    ahahah. do you now?
    and no worries. I always try my best not to judge.
  • Ezekielpoop

    I be your whatever you wish.
    and total chaos makes good music to have sex to.
  • Ezekielpoop

  • Toker

    whats your problem dude....fu
  • Ueberdosis [overdose]

    training ^^ after eight years it is no problem to style your hairs like this XD
  • Baby_Im_An_Anarchist

    Why yes! Oh really to what tho?
  • Ueberdosis [overdose]

    darn? i don't understand ^^ I'm from Germany XD
  • Ueberdosis [overdose]

    gestopftes is not the right word but i think i knoe what you mean ^^
  • Toker

    fuck u man tell me wwhats the fuck wrong with me dude
  • James

    haha man it looks a ton better now i need a camera
  • Baby_Im_An_Anarchist

  • Toker

    u win mman im shit
  • Dylan Barrett

    I have firefox mate, I just happen to like chrome's interface better.
  • VooDoo_Drunk

    hey heyy.. hows it going?
  • Ezekielpoop

    rawr! (like a baby dinosaur)

    hah. i scared you.
  • Spitter

    yoyo yiggity yo dude i'm comeing to portland in like march or some shit so we should chill and fuck some shit up maybe you can show me around cause i'm from VT and i don't know shit about OR and i'm looking for some one cool to chill wit so keep in touch mofucker
  • Spitter

    dude in your band list it's, RIVER city rebels, dude there from winooski VT, i've drank and smoked with them.
  • Ezekielpoop

    hahah! i sowwie!
  • Ezekielpoop

    it's hard for me to sleep by myself during the day.
    well unless i have someone to cuddle with. :D
  • Ezekielpoop

    oh shit! am i showing?!
  • Ezekielpoop

  • kiDgRaviTY

    yea how u know??? lol
  • kiDgRaviTY

    I hope I aint look familiar...
  • kiDgRaviTY

    Nah Nah it was a joke. I just needed an alibi (i think that's how you spell it) But I'm glad u didnt get hurt. But if you ever wanna come out here again hit me up. We can chill or watever
  • kiDgRaviTY

    yea fo sho. They got some spots in Manhattan so if u come i'll def take u out there
  • CorpseQueen

    haha everyone thinks riverside is so ghetto.. i actually live just outside riverside though, in a little place called lake mathews that no one has ever heard of.. i love it ^.^
  • Khaos

    hey kiddo!
  • Khaos

  • Ezekielpoop

    ay sug!
  • Ezekielpoop

    i did wooza! you text me back! O.o
  • sean harper

    ello my good man! i come baring gifts, gifts of knowledge tat is, just incase ye'r a home chemist like me
    for a semi-complexe DXM extract project from coricidin
    ond tis one's equally complex, in my opinion, cept' it's for syrup form
  • Ezekielpoop

    ah i know. lolz.
  • Khaos


    I found this site: http://artoftrolling.com/
    and it made me think of you and Segadoway. Ya know. And I suppose Herb, too.
  • Khaos

    I KNOW!!! I wish they weren't so new. I want content to look at all day long!

  • Khaos

    whatcha trollin'?
  • VooDoo_Drunk

    thats great!.. you still doing pretty decent? i forgot about this page. im doing better. i was down again fer the past 1 weel n a 1/2 n just drinking everyday again but i really shouldnt fall into old patterns so im trying to better by finishing school n what not. anything new guy?
  • VooDoo_Drunk

    doing drugs as much as you can? why "as much as you can" n wut kinda drugs 8] ?
    in response to your hair question.. when i had my hair like that i just used regular school glue. i got the hang of how to work with glue by then. i just sectioned it off and started at the base, made sure the base was sturdy then worked upwards. as for the front i made sure the base was sturdy then then sculpted the the rest to make it look have that broken effect. "gorilla glue" ay? never tried it. how well does that stuff work?
  • German Garcia

    What up mother fucker getting shit faced or just trolling?
  • VooDoo_Drunk

    niceee. ive been wanting to do shrooms or acid for such along time. what the hell is "DXM"?

    really!? i did not know or would have thought gorilla glue was that good. does it get flakey? geez if it doesnt get limp in the shower i should try it. sounds to good to be true :: rubs chin ::
  • sean harper

    haha dude no shite i didna even notice, aye i live just a lil south o' tacoma, kinda puyallop