

Hermiston, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Mohawk Status:
Rocked in the past, Thinking about rocking it sometime, Just like watching others rock them
Relationship Status:
About Me:
I like poking squishy stuff with sticks and rolling on the ground.

I problably named alot of these bands more then once. but who fucking cares:|

markey and the speed kings, panic at the disco, rancid, NOFX, the ejected, dead kennedy's, blink 182, my chemical romance, scooter. tiesto, caffeine, basshunter, anti flag, child bite, black lips the class assassins outl4w black flag, the casualties, the protest total chaos, blagger ita, the oi strs,street dogs, circle jerks, beck, cockney rejects, acid bath, english dogs, mission of burma, kaos urbano chaotic dischord, T.S.O.L., chaos UK, black flag, bomb the streets, cheap escape, acid reflex bad religion, minor threat, crass, millions of dead cops, bad brains, leftover crack, the exploited, the buzzcocks, the distillers, mustard plug, sublime, chiodos, escape the fate, aus-rotten, tokio hotel, wu tang, eazy e, beck, the germs, five iron frenzy, lower class brats, oi polloi, the rabble, GBH, the unseen, dropkick murphy's, agent orange, social distortion, the adolecents. agnostic front, angelic upstarts, anti nowher league, anti pasti, the browns, the bouncing soul's, capatalist casualties, dead milkmen, skeptix, infa riot, the ghouls, the fallen, assorted jelly bean's, rubber city rebbles,catholic discipline. retching red's, the twats, UK subs, the devil wears prada, emmure, fear before the march of flames, the sounds, chiodos, preschool tea party massacre, augest burns red, public enemy, arsonist get all the girls,Reagan Youth, the russians,cradle of filth, behemoth, daft punk, slipknot, anthrax, red hot chili peppers, kiss, van halen, total bloody chaos, the parasians, toxic narcotic, Dreadful children, 800 octane, stupid in stereo, control disorder, better off naked, The Toy dolls verbal abuse, chaotic alliance. blunt force trauma, husker du, the mighty mighty bostones, charles bronson, spitboy, crustina aguilera, ACxDC, warcollapse, nasuea, thulsa doom, Krush,
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
6,2 without and about 6,8 with it
How did you find MohawksRock.com

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  • Khaos

    aww i'm sorry :-(

    I had a crab named dean once who was spiky. he was cool. RIP pets of yesteryear!

    I'm heading off to bed since I gotta work in 9 hours.
  • Khaos

  • Alexis

    See mine is just big and messy everywhere. Theres art junk all over the florr, clothes, shoes, books, ect.

    And I'm home almost every night. x.x
  • Alexis

    Its not only that but I've been trying to make my own clothes too, so I have paint all over from that too. Most of my books are on a shelf...but that still doesn't prevent a bunch of strays finding their way to my floor haha.

    You should go and get your art stuff! I'd die with out things to be creative with. x.x
  • Alexis

    Oh wow. Thats a lot. =O

    You have a nice week too! =]
  • NeoPunkNaziBastard

    kinda more so white pride tho....
  • Khaos

    No thank you. I am not a foot person. *shudder*

  • Khaos

    Sorry =[ feet are the only thing on a person that can really creep me out. haha

    You don't seem so excited about the wedding!? I'm excited.
  • Khaos

    Well. You could have been stuck with my brother if it's that random. That would have been bad. haha

    At least you kind of have an idea... lol
  • Khaos

    That's fucking lame. It never ceases to amaze me how dumb people truly can be.

    And if you're fat, I'm morbidly obese. =x
  • Khaos


    Cause you are skinny! haha
    Definitely not fat. At all.
  • Khaos

    Lol, you're probably my size.

    Except. I can tell you don't got hips like I do. hahaha.
  • Khaos

    Or close to it, I mean.

    Different proportions. haha
  • Ska_Punk

    For your information, we don't have hot topic in the UK, they are punk hooligan, thanks.
  • Blitz

    yep i'm friends with them and went to school with calvin and bryan
  • Blitz

    yeah they are all pretty cool
  • Blitz

    boring as hell.....only excitement i've had is droppin a tire on my hand and doing my first 4 tattoos
  • Blitz

    yeah i plan on it as long as i get outta work when i'm suppsta
  • Blitz

  • Ska_Punk

    I'll give you >.> eyes o_~
  • John Porno

    just a lot of hair spray
  • Ska_Punk

    mmm gobble gobble
  • gecko

    hah thank you?
  • i hate hippys

    that mike dude is a complete cock end.
    i dont like him simple as never have never will
  • badasszombie

    orgon o.o wai? xD
  • badasszombie

    central point lol
  • badasszombie

    lol its a little town by medford i live southern oregon if that helps
  • badasszombie

    that fucking sucks =[
  • badasszombie

    do i have what? XD
  • badasszombie

    oh yeah i do ^^
  • Hillary Becker

    You have a new crush! Click here to see if you're compatible! http://myreallovecrush.com?3vc24xpcft8js
  • Blitz

    really don't give a fuck.... yours wasn't that great either what the hell was with the back of it?? O.O
  • ZachAttack

    just dont give a shit... im not one for taking pictures. its a family curse that just keeps getting passed on. nobody in my family can take a good picture. i dont understand urs with the one above (5/6) it looks like ur just looking at the floor, and it looks like ur hair is getting sucked up by a vacuum!
  • tanzmetall

    i suppose you could just say i was being punny...
  • tanzmetall

  • tanzmetall

    im 18 you bogan piece of shit hahaha
    and my good are so good i gotsta show em off
  • Khaos

    NO. YOU WAKE UP! hahaha
  • Zvetlana

    ohh .. thanks alot :P

  • badasszombie

  • tanzmetall

    of corse you would sillly
    you would tap anything
  • Riot Raven

  • Riot Raven

    ? i do? where do u live?
  • Jesse Germs

    I love your hawks man. Fuck perfection! we're the way we are cause we could care less, right? RIGHT!
  • Kayla

    This is random, but you have "freedom of speach the right to yell theater in a crowded fire" cause of Abbie Hoffman, right? He was awesome, I just recently finished reading his book "Steal This Book".
  • Kayla

    Oh, awesome! Have you read any of his books?
    I've only been able to read "Steal This Book", cause I can't find any of the others.
  • Moogle

    Hell to the motherfucking yeah. Streetlight is one of my favorite bands. ಥ_ಥ
  • Kayla

    I agree; I've never seen a book like it before.
    You know, I was at the bookstore a few weeks ago before I actually found out that the library had it...and they said "No, but I can show you the section with books like it. So I said "ok" and they pointed me to this section. And let me tell you, none of the books there were anything related...and they didn't seem real at all, ya know? I just kinda flipped through the titles and they were like "Fast Food America!" and shit like that. I thought "Seriously? You're comparing THIS to a book about revolution?" It's not right..

    I keep thinking....we need a revolution in 2009, the government etc have been getting off WAY too easily this generation.
    "I wanna riot, a riot of my own." :P
  • Moogle

    That's sweet, i've seen Streetlight so many times...and it's never enough. Lol. I saw them at my Warped. They didn't play until 7:45
    They don't meet people..but they tell you to get their merch guy's autograph. You have to meet that guy man, he has this sweet handle bar mustache..it's awesome.
    I met Big D there, too!
  • Kayla

    Hahaha. Yeah...I didn't steal it, I've probably got to return it soon as a matter of fact...buuuuut, who knows :P lol.

    Yeah, it seems kinda of impossible today....but at the same time, it seems SO possible right now. At least in my mind, it does. I want to start something so badly...I think I'll give it a shot sometime soon.. something music related. Punk, of course...but music on the radio now is SO lame and boring. It seems so hard to "shock" people now since people can be so desensitized...but I don't think Punk's lost any of it's shock value, people just need to be reminded of how real punk isn't mainstream..and it's still got a LOT to say. :)
    I think it's up to the punks to make it happen, cause noone else is...young people, I mean. This generation is so boring...Something needs to happen.
  • Kayla

    hahah, yeah. Mohawksrock should like....start something like that, ya know? Cept it'd be all over the world, not just one little city. Of course, even if that somehow happened (which would be totally awesome!), the newspapers would probably not even give it front page...I'm trying to start my own little paper :) I've got some stuff set up so far, if ya wanna see it?