
33, Female

Las Cruces, NM

United States

Profile Information:

Mohawk Status:
Rocking now, Rocked in the past, Thinking about rocking it sometime, Just like watching others rock them
Relationship Status:
About Me:
My name's Gaby, I live in New Mexico USA. I'm into reading, monsters, and art. I'm always down to chat but I'm bad at replying. Any questions feel free to ask.
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
5'3" without
i don't know how tall with
How did you find

Comment Wall:

  • spook

    it's certainly no easy thing your going through , I still suffer now and I'm 46 for christ sakes , mothers just don't want to be obsolete , but if you follow your heart and do the work you enjoy then you will manage something that most of us do not , it's no big secret that to live a happy and contented life you only need that which makes you happy , how can you go wrong :)
  • spook

    so when can we see some of your artwork Gaby ?
  • Kobalos

    Thanks. Yeah, I miss the frost and snow we used to get here more. :/
  • Kobalos

    At least you got some - which is nice! =) We've only had a couple inches here a couple times this winter. And it melted within a day or two both times. :/

    No igloos for us! =)
  • Kobalos

    Thank you, Gaby!
  • Segadoway

    Thanks a lot!
  • Jerry Engle

    Hi Gab :)
    Thank you so much for the very cool comment :)
    I hope you had a very cool easter and I will talk to you very soon.
  • James

    shed be my best friend
  • Spencer(BeatenbyFascists)

    haha me too, i was kidding. but it's pretty hot.
  • Kobalos

    Well, it wasn't a good birthday heh heh That's why I took so long to reply - only now am I feeling a bit more cheerful again!

    It could have been excellent, but things I hoped for didn't happen. Still, always other things to enjoy! Think I might get some blue colour soon once my hair grows in a little more.

    How's your week been?
  • Hangman XIII

    Heya there, you seem rather friendly. How's life going?
  • Kobalos

    I echo kitty's comments below!
  • Hangman XIII

    I've been doing pretty damn good m'self. I've been having adventures and life just kinda fits right now.
  • Hangman XIII

    By the way, those Cons look pretty epic. Been through a lot?