

Hermiston, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Mohawk Status:
Rocked in the past, Thinking about rocking it sometime, Just like watching others rock them
Relationship Status:
About Me:
I like poking squishy stuff with sticks and rolling on the ground.

I problably named alot of these bands more then once. but who fucking cares:|

markey and the speed kings, panic at the disco, rancid, NOFX, the ejected, dead kennedy's, blink 182, my chemical romance, scooter. tiesto, caffeine, basshunter, anti flag, child bite, black lips the class assassins outl4w black flag, the casualties, the protest total chaos, blagger ita, the oi strs,street dogs, circle jerks, beck, cockney rejects, acid bath, english dogs, mission of burma, kaos urbano chaotic dischord, T.S.O.L., chaos UK, black flag, bomb the streets, cheap escape, acid reflex bad religion, minor threat, crass, millions of dead cops, bad brains, leftover crack, the exploited, the buzzcocks, the distillers, mustard plug, sublime, chiodos, escape the fate, aus-rotten, tokio hotel, wu tang, eazy e, beck, the germs, five iron frenzy, lower class brats, oi polloi, the rabble, GBH, the unseen, dropkick murphy's, agent orange, social distortion, the adolecents. agnostic front, angelic upstarts, anti nowher league, anti pasti, the browns, the bouncing soul's, capatalist casualties, dead milkmen, skeptix, infa riot, the ghouls, the fallen, assorted jelly bean's, rubber city rebbles,catholic discipline. retching red's, the twats, UK subs, the devil wears prada, emmure, fear before the march of flames, the sounds, chiodos, preschool tea party massacre, augest burns red, public enemy, arsonist get all the girls,Reagan Youth, the russians,cradle of filth, behemoth, daft punk, slipknot, anthrax, red hot chili peppers, kiss, van halen, total bloody chaos, the parasians, toxic narcotic, Dreadful children, 800 octane, stupid in stereo, control disorder, better off naked, The Toy dolls verbal abuse, chaotic alliance. blunt force trauma, husker du, the mighty mighty bostones, charles bronson, spitboy, crustina aguilera, ACxDC, warcollapse, nasuea, thulsa doom, Krush,
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
6,2 without and about 6,8 with it
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  • Kat...


    trying 2 regin sanity and get a hold of life :S

  • Kat...

    its guy problems.....and life issues things just suck right now
  • Kat...

    every one i know hates me and thinks i am ugly :(

    i am 2 weird 4 anyone
  • Kat...

    its not easy at all

    where i live no one will ever except me mohawks arnt smiled upon
  • Kat...

    really wow

    i have friends but not true friends :(

    but i know how it feels at be alone where every one doesnt like u so u isolate ur self from everyone
  • Kat...

    yea i know what u mean......

    u seem like a very nice person i dont know how ppl wouldnt like u??
  • Kat...

    thats totaly not true guys with hawks normally r straight

    but i think ur awesome XD
  • Robert

    acrylic paint
  • Segadoway

    my friend...........i love darts
  • Protagonist

    Full Metal alchemist? Really? Awesome! My friends always say it looks like something from Kingdom Hearts.
  • lou

    haha thanks! ^_^
    what are you up to this loverly evening?
  • lou

    ah i also love me some mohawk photos
    just having a cold one and some ramen ...relaxing from a long day waitressing haha
  • lou

    fuck yeah tacos! (i work in a mexican restaurant haha)
    well it's time for me to get some much-needed shut eye so i will leave you with a cheers to cheap ass food! ;)
    have a great night!
  • Johnny

    yea i am on msn but i was at the hospital 4 the longest time cuz of heart problems
  • Segadoway

    oh you have no idea............over 9000 times have i tried to answer that question, never once did i find the answer, ill divide by zero before i find the answer
  • Khaos

    Good, good. haha. Hoping I don't have to dig out the cars again tomorrow.
    How are you?
  • Khaos

    Wonderful! haha I miss having music on my computer. =[

    The snow has been blessing new england with visits this year...which is fairly unusual from what I've seen in the last ten years. haha. Excessively visiting.
    Otherwise, don't mind it if I don't have to work...which today I did.
    What is your favorite kind of pizza?
  • Khaos

    PINEAPPLE!!! haha or buffalo/barbecue chicken once in a while.

    I work for CVS and part time at hot topic. I'm a full time pain in the ass, too ;-) haha. But since they are in a mall a few towns over, I can't not have a car, ya know? They don't bus where I live.
  • Khaos

    Haha, no actually. It's really just a pay check for me. =]
    Most people are probably afraid I'd kick their ass, though (really..hah). I don't care regardless. If you are smart in business and know how to keep your company afloat, you'll probably end up keeping it afloat. The logo is "It's all about the music"...and frankly, it does follow that. Fashion trends are dictated by the pop culture. We're just cooler than american eagle and hollister and the gap, ya know?
    Shit changes in that store every month haha. I will be happy when the trendy shitty screamo hardcore pop death music trend ends (what are the kids calling it these days?) and the kids go back to being preppy or ghetto.
    However, if you look at the kids who shop in my store and the kids who say (at least where I live) that it's a sell out store, they are the same group -surprise! We don't have those wanna be trendy kids working in my store. Good old punk rockers though haha.
  • Khaos

    Haha, sorry for 2 posts.
    The car was a necessity. I've been working since I was 15 and my college is a commuter college, so no dorms. We have to drive to school every day. haha. I live 40 minutes away from it... cars are an expensive convenience though!
  • Khaos

    Have no fears! I'm tired, have to get up in 5 hours, got buy my books and get to class/I'm sure you see a huge difference in the context and language in my replies, haha. So, I'm not picky. And you don't do the weird text speak typing or alternating upper and lowercase letters!!!

    I love DIY. And I am impressed when I have customers that actually do it, instead of hearing the whining "This shirt is an inch too long"..FUCKING FIX IT! haha I learned how to sew (by hand) before I could cook... although now I really can't cook by directions =[
    I wish I could do more work that I am right now in that regard. I have some pants I have to take in leg wise (being curvy hip wise and having somewhat slim legs means pants look like fucking parachutes if I don't get them in the skinnier cuts haha) and other things I have neglected to finish that are just staring at me from the basket.

    Dunno, for me though, I don't pay what you would pay (I literally have the worlds best discount!) haha for pants and body jewelry and if I went somewhere else I would have to pay more (plus, going to good will is shitty around here cause the pants that get donated suck ass). I can definitely get good deals on denim jackets and leather when they come through and love that.
    I find that I'm ahead of the trends somewhat, and when I drop whatever it is, then it flares up. Fuck that shit. haha. But I don't stray from what I am now. Just small things like jewelry or a manner of coloring my hair or the colors... Its just weird. haha

    So, not to be forward, but on here it says you told the site you're male and you're slightly available myspace page says you're female. Which is it? Or do you like being a "go between"? That can be fun.
    Bonus cookies if you can identify what movie that specific phrase relates to. haha
  • Khaos

    Lol yeah, it's a 40% discount! So pants are like....$20 bucks, band tees $11, etc. cause I work there, haha.

    As far as reading, we have a thread devoted to it. I think some - one or two- people like to front on here "Oh, I only read controversial schtuff" and all that and "understand" it, too.
    But I really do enjoy it. It was my escape when I was younger and didn't have computers, CDs,mp3 players, radio, or a TV, lol. I reached a college reading level by middle school and haven't slowed down.
    pretty much like everything except for trashy romance novels. Although I do tend to read a lot more government and business related books now due to college. And some conspiracy theory types, as well.
    The best sci-fi type of book I've read in a while was called Unidentified and it was about a mysterious house that ate people or something. Someone stole my copy or I would tell you exactly what it was. And zombie books. I have a soft spot for those.

    What about you? Are you in school and all of that good stuff, too?
  • Khaos

  • Khaos

    Lol! Sleep!!! It calls to me.

    My sister is reading the fablehaven books. it took me a minute to figure out what you were talking about haha. Shes gonna turn out like me. The golden compass series was a favorite of mine in middle school. A lot of Piers Anthony books, too. He is a definite sci-fi author to check on. Unorthodox, but fun.
    Would recommend Lord of the Flies (you probably will end up reading it in high school), too. The symbolism is pretty awesome and creative at times and its a big lesson too. I also loved Fahrenheit 451, too. It's heavy in symbolism, but I think it will surprise you how closely he "predicted" how we would live in the future.
    My favorite author for a while in high school was Kurt Vonnegut though. Weird stories, not for everyone, but definitely worth it if you can decipher his patterns and story telling.

    I used to be one of the quiet ones...haha. But once you find your niche, you'll be right on your way.
  • Khaos

    lol, I did sleep. It was well past 2. The golden compass books were amazing. I loved them! Also, artemis fowl. Haven't read LOTR in so long, and haven't heard of the Shannara books, either. =[

    Nothing wrong with having a girls name! Paige used to be a boys name/title wayyyy back in the day, haha.
    YAY! The inauguration is on! and just in time for me to go to work =[
  • Khaos

    Lucky, getting a break from the technology.
    Where did you venture off to?
  • Protagonist

    XD Yeah, but I'm not too handy with a key-blade. I would hit myself in the back of the head with it.
  • Khaos

    That's exciting! Going out to anywhere good?
  • Khaos

    Favorite kind of pie?

    Saw your info section, it stood out.
  • Khaos

    Today, I am craving key lime pie. MMMMMMMMMMM. But my boyfriends mum makes a really nice pie/cake thing with my favorite thing ever in it - orange juice. haha

    Just started back up in my college classes. Taking 16 credits this semester, and only 1 class assigns homework occasionally (my other classes I just have to read for). haha.
  • Khaos

    Haha if I could, I still don't know if I'd share. sorry! But I would try haha.

    Man..times like these kind of emphasize how important school is. Ya know, at least make the effort to graduate. You'll be doing yourself a huge favor. This is the beginning of year three at a TWO year school. Haha. Slowly but surely I'm getting my fucking degree and diploma number 2.

    I really miss high school, but I was a vo-ag student, and well, that was much cooler than all traditional classes for four years.
  • Khaos

    Know what I hate the most?

    Being 20 *in two weeks* and still having to clean my damn room. haha
  • Khaos

    If you're in school, just stick with it...It will make it easier to get a job when you have to. GEDs take more time than just finishing school up, ya know?
  • Khaos

    And I'll be honest. I'm almost never home. And I just sleep and get on my lap top. I have no idea how it gets messed up. Stupid gnomes or something.
  • Khaos

    HAHA! I KNOW! I'm missing like four of my favorite pairs. >.br />
    I'm just preparing for another day in paradise tomorrow. ... yay. some weird shit is on adult swim right now. what ever happened to TV? haha
  • Khaos

    Lol, that reminds me of a descendents song called "nothing with you". It's so fucking cute.

    I didn't have cable for a long time actually. But I recently got it and have become obsessed with a show called house. I don't use youtube to watch the shows or anything, which I know many people do, because it never occurs to me to put out that effort. haha. only at random times...and I kind of REALLY hate youtube.
    Dunno why.

    Do you ever put on puppet shows or pretend your pictures or posters (if you have any up) are real and have like your own conversations and adventures with them?
  • Khaos

    Nothing wrong with loving anime or being a huge nerd (I think that's what you said. If not, please don't be offended!!!)
    I'm a huge dork and obsessed with fish. No worries haha.

    I also think (if you don't read it) you should go find the failblog it's great.
  • Khaos

    Haha, I actually hate beta and goldfish.
    With a passion.

    I'm more for growing fish for food.
    However, I've raised so many that i loved, and am currently window shopping for when I move...I found a lot i really like, but don't know what they are. But they are pretty.

    But for shits and grins, sharks and octopi.
  • Alexis

    I know this is realllllyyy random, but I just saw a comment that was left about beta fish.
    Mine died today. D= And then my dad got me a new one, because he felt bad for killing Louis ;-;

    I quite liked mine also..
  • Khaos

    haha. I dunno, sharks have always fascinated me. I could go on for days about them. And if you get the chance to play with an octopus, take it! You won't be sorry *unless you get your hand in their beak*

    Uhm. I'm a fairly open book. I got two licenses before I got one for the car. One for tractor and large machinery and another for boating. I don't know how to use a sewing machine. I dunno really. haha.
  • Khaos

    Oh, that's not fun. =[
  • Alexis

    Its ok..
    Thats what my dad did.

    When I went out he poured bleach in the bowl thinking that it would clean it.
    He cleans his little freshwater tank out with bleach and it NEVER fails that all the fish die there. x_x He doesn't get it I suppose. =/ Ive tried yelling at him several times not to touch my fish.
  • Khaos


    I've done that. haha. not fun at all.
    I went to school for this stuff. I did aquarium maintainence and design and aquaculture (growing fish for food) all the time. it is my passion. haha I am a huge dork, like I said.

    I just got an offer to help set one up for UCONN professor.. :-) an entire lab. hehe
  • Alexis

    I do! Every week and a half. The water is changed and the bowl is cleaned.
  • Khaos

    Haha, aww! Everyone else is fairly nice, too! Val and alexis and the new girl amy all seem awesome and friendly!
    And skip haha.

    Ferrets rock, even if they smell.
    Do you like reptiles?
  • Alexis

    The closet?? Haha That'd be interesting..
    Something tells me that my dads stubborn stupidity won't keep him out of my closet. =/
  • Alexis

    Haha I'm not so sure that he cares about me as much as he tries to make things difficult for me.

    I suppose that could be a way of saying he cares, but I'm much rather him just say "Hey, I care about you!" or something more straight forward...

    I tried locking my door every time I left it...he took my door away. O_O
    I had a towel hanging above my door way for 3 weeks...
  • Alexis

    Yeah it did. Oh well I don't even have anything illegal in my room! And even if I did I'd know where to hide it in my room. Its too big and messy to find anything in if you're not me haha.
  • Khaos

    oh man i want a bearded dragon and a blue tongued skink!
  • Khaos

    aw that sucks! what did you have?

    i can't :-( they are too expensive...and I don't think the apartments I'm looking at are pet friendly.