I came up with this like at 5 a.m. while waking up.
Do people in PETA drink milk and eat eggs and butter? If they do wouldn't it be a contradiction to what they fight against? Cause cows and chickens aren't treated the best when they are being used for milk and eggs etc.
PETA is fake shit anyways. For real. I do believe in animal rights, but PETA takes it too far. They'd rather see an animal dead than in captivity. I'm from 8 generation of circus folk. (NOT CARNIES) They would give my dad shit all the time because he was an elephant trainer, and yes some people do miss treat elephants, but my dad would beat a guys ass for trying to touch one at the gas station one time, he threw him across the parking lot, you just can't run up to them it spooks them out. and animals elephants in particular live 20 in the wild 40-60 years in a zoo and can live from 60-almost 80 if they are taken care of properly in the circus. because they get exercise, and proper nutrion. and PETA as you get higher in the system they would rather just take animals out completely. If you look up interviews alot of people leave PETA when they get higher into the program or whatever because they find out how fake it is.
Apr 17, 2009
Thanks though
Apr 17, 2009
May 6, 2009