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    Shave the sides one or two times a week depending on how long you want it you could leave it longer, hair spray and a hairdryer are best for putting it up :3 .mine was over seven inches when I first got it so when I wore it up I got crazy stares, but most peolpe said it was beautiful or awesome and stuff, my old re teacher said it was agressive but kinda warmed to it, might make getting a job more difficult depending on the style and field. Go crazy with the colours and do what you want if it goes wrong it still ends up great anyway and if you find you dont like it get a skin head and grow your hair out, hope that was helpful in any way :)
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     I wanted to wait until my hair got up to 4 inches before I chopped it into a mohawk...  At around 2 1/4" lack of patience got the better of me. I can now see how much easier it is than to have that much more hair to work with when you first hack into your hair. The lenth you specify for yourself (and going by your avatar assuming that is you) I think your hawk will be plenty impressive if you started now.

    I never wore my hawk at work, but I hid it under the company cap. You look in the back however, you know it exists. On the most part, the captains/mates did not really care... I also have coworkers with tattoo's/pierceings, I don't think theres that much I can do to shock anyone. I did get stared at, but I don't think more than usual. Doesnt bother me anyway, Fuck 'em..

    I always cut my own hair, my mom cut our hair when we were growing up. I only paid for a haircut ONCE. It helps if you have some extra full-lenth mirrors you can stage around so you can see what you're doing. Lay some towels around to catch what you cut off. Makes cleaning up after less of a hassle... I cut my hair in the nude as well. So you don't shake anymore hair everywhere before you go hop in the shower..

    go really slow and take your time. It's easy to get carried away with the clippers. If you have some sense of depth perception and aesthetics, you don't need to pay no stinkin barber to cut a mohawk for you.
