What kind of attention does your mohawk attract?

First off, I'd like to say that Im going to be hacking myself a mohawk this summer. I plan on doing the duct tape method. I'd do it sooner but I plan on getting a job in a month or so. I figure if they already have me hired and THEN I get a hawk, they wont get rid of me.

But I was wondering what kind of attention your cut gets. Im sure you get plenty of it , but what kind. Good, Bad, Enthusiastic, tell me your experience.
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    The bad kind of attention xD

    a few days back me and my gf were at her college and a couple girls yelled i love your hair, and my gf replied thnx and smiled then they yelled "not you, him"

    -so hawkward

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      I've gotten a good amount of people staring at me, but I haven't gotten any negative comments. I had a stranger tell me that I make the world a better place because of my hair. So that was pretty awesome.

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        Surprisingly positive considering I live in such a close minded town. Even loyalist marching band members compliment me, and just today on my way home from tesco some guy called me over to his garden to show his guests and son who is also thinking about getting a mohawk my mohawk, it was really nice and everyone was very friendly (and drunk).