Mohawks Rock

This is the part where you simply introduce yourself to whoever decides to join up! So lets get started!

Hola, I am Nich. My real name is Nicholas Roditcher and I have been into body modification since I was 15. I received my first tattoo at the age of 18 and ever since then I have been hooked on the idea of getting into the industry. So I decided to search for an apprenticeship. I am happy to say that I have found one and have been sticking with it for the longest time. I'm six months in and have two and a half more years to go before I am a professional. It was a lot of work and waiting for the right moment but it happened and I couldn't be happier.

Anything else you wish to know about me, feel free to message me.

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Replies to This Discussion

Man, I'd love to do that, I'm pretty niffty with art and I love peircings and stuff like that, I think it'd be pretty cool but I'm only turning 18 in like a month so I dunno, my 'rents would probably disown me if I came home and said "hey! I'm gonna be a piercer!" haha!

But yeah, I've got a couple piercings and I'm trying to decide on designes and stuff for a tatoo, I'd love to end up with full sleeves in a few years, I'll see how it goes.

dude its your life man  not ya parents bro.  do what the fuck u want bro.  slinging ink is a great job man....fuck yea


if they dont like bad man...theill get use to it

dude u make any decisions yet man?  time to get the metal out an become a piercer   hell yea man!


hey u get any ink or new metal in ya

hey hey, my name is Xtina. i love body modification and i always have... i have my belly button, tongue, smiley, 10ga.cartilage ring and 2ga. lobes. im getting inked next weekend:):)
Nich, did you have to pay for your apprenticeship? the place i might be aprrenticing at wants to charge me $3000 CDN for practice supplies and stuff. i think thats kind of outrageous though.
Yes I did have to pay. My price was $1500. It originally was going to be $5000. But I've known the guys for years so they cut me some slack on that part. But yeah, if you find an apprenticeship for free then you're lucky but I think there'd be a catch to that whole thing
okee. so im not being ripped off then :P now i just have to figure out a way to get the money. they dont want it all upfront, but still.. im trying to save to move out and stuff... ugh.
It's gonna be tough but if you're up for the challenge, then the hard stuff is well worth it if it's what you wanna do.
i dunno how much mine will mom's good friends with the guy, i havent talked to him yet.
so my name is jared and i am into pretty much all kinds of modification. I am planning to get tattooed as soon as i am 18 i can pretty much get whatever i want cuz my brother is a professional tattoo artist. I want to get a u v ink tattoo. I am currently in a power struggle with my parents being overcontrolling so when i am 18 i am moving in with my brother. My first tattoo is going to be a big tibetan skull tattoo on my upper arm/ chest.
I'm Jasmine, 20 years old from Virginia originally but living in Ohio right now. I've been into body mod for quite a while. Really started getting into it at 13. I have my lobes stretched to 1/2", two other regular lobe piercings, a cartilage piercing in my left ear and an industrial through my right. I have my tongue and lip pierced also and had my eyebrow but after like 2 or 3 years it rejected *tear* I am planning to get my tragus pierced sometime soon and would love to get an apprenticeship as a piercer one day but don't have that kinda money at the moment. As for tattoos, I currently have my first 3 when I was 16, all within the same week. My first was my dragon head on my right shoulder blade, then I got the tribal style flaming guitar on my left ankle, then Jack Skellington on my right ankle. Then when I was 18, I got Freddy Krueger on my are up on my page, I plan to add some red into the stripes of his sweater and his eyes in the near future and am also in the works of planning my full sleeve tat that I am hoping to get started on for my 21st.
Feel free to message me if you want to know more.
hi im pigeon and i hail from england uk my real name is ryan but i prefer pige
i have a stretched ear and am looking to get some tattos done
wanna stretch my other ear my ear atm is a ten mil flesh tunnel
i want to go higher but im looking for workso its a no go
i was lookin at the scarification skin removal and lookin at having that done but dont know anywhere local that does it


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