Yeah, but you're probably GOOD at playing an instrument I:<
Just kidding! I'm just bad at timing XP
The club thing is a good idea, tho. Everyone at the place we go to are SUPER friendly, and have helped me a lot!
Comment by Luke Cipolle on July 21, 2009 at 8:55pm
If you play an instrument, just think of it as "quarter note, quarter note, eighth note eighth note; quarter note, quarter note, eighth note eighth note..." Not too hard.
And @ DNA, you should look online for swing clubs and dances in your area. Anyone there would be more than willing to teach you, and at the ones I go to there's a quick lesson in the beginning of the dance anyway.
But musicians play with multiples of four! (Usually) She really means, if you can count a beat, AND NOT LIKE A MUSICIAN, its easy. If you play an instument, it takes some getting used to, but a good friend won't mind helping you. Trust me, I play bass. Thats the rythm section of a band. I trip a lot when I count to six. XP
Wow thats really rad!
I can't play an instrument for my life. x_x
I guess you could kinda say the same-ish about me. 'Cept a little bit different order. I used to go swing dancing all the time, and then I met my boyfriend (who is a punk and loves me enough to go dancing with me ^^)and he turned me on to a bunch a punk stuff and ska kinda found its way in the middle haha.
I actually got into punk and ska indirectly through swing... I really liked swing, so I decided to learn trumpet. Then I found ska through my trumpet playing, and found punk through ska.
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