Ahhh...gotcha. Thats prolly why I didn't get it xD
I always think of my friend Kenny when I hear D&D.
Now I'm going to tell a really off-topic story:
It was spirit week at my school.
One of the days to dress up was "Nerd Day".
Kenny dressed as he usually does.
He had a sign.
A sign that he taped.
He taped it to the front of his shirt.
And on his sign,
he wrote:
"I play Dungeons and Dragons"
I thought that it was fantastic.
Hahaha naw its cool. Still sounds sexual to me. But you can pretty much say anything in the right tone and I'll take it sexually. "I'll ride your wagon" ;] ect.
And back message are nice...Ive never had a professional one....but still quite nice.