we were at a family reunion and for some reason the young kids were in LOVE with our hair and gauges... it was about that time when their parents started getting edgy :P
..fuck them, you now need to get to the point were you dont even look/take notice @ those that make silly remarks like that. And if they think you are strange, again fuck them.
I'm sick to the point where I don't talk shit back. I go along with it.
"Are you emo?"
"Sure my life has so many problems that I slit my wrists when I go home, how about you?"
what can i say, i think we have all had the same experiances eaither with cops who are scared of something different to people who are sooo narrow minded they even think they are better then us, just because of my hairstyle. i find it amazing what people think about me from just one look at me, usally eaither troble maker or terrorist ( even though every terrorist act made on foreign soil has all been done by bold faced arabs, not hairy west-indian guys nothing aginst arabs, just the facts) so i know all about judgement and being judged on first impressions, but i really couldnt care any more as once i open my mouth and make these narrow minded idiots feel like the smallest people in the word due to actually being very well educated and very far from homeless and usally by there own standards alot better then them, its tooo funny,
i hold my head up high with my mohawk blasting my metal rock through my ipod, why because that is who i am and i will never change that no matter what!!!!
Comment by Luke Cipolle on June 17, 2009 at 6:16pm
I haven't had a 'hawk since march, and before I cut it off, cops would pull me over for having fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror of my '94 dodge caravan (woot). They can't do anything except tell me to take them down. Then I put them back up after they drive away. Since I chopped it off, I haven't gotten hassled for it, though. Coincidence? What do you think? This kind of thing happened often, and I had rocked the hawk for so long, I didn't even realize that was why.
I hate when people think you are stupid. Absolutely hate it. Or when people with really really short mohawks come up to you and say OH MY GOD I HAVE ONE TOO!!! No, your hair stylist forgot to shave the middle portion of your head, here lemme help you with that.
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